Bedroom Boss is probably the greatest program ever created about how to:

– Give women Mind-blowing Orgasms – in many different ways

– Become a Sexually Creative Lover – so that, no matter how long you’ve been with your woman, the sex just keeps getting better and better- Give women the kind of Naughty, Dirty, Taboo Sex they secretly CRAVE

Here’s just a little taste of what you’ll discover in the ‘Action-Packed’ Bedroom Boss program:

– How to give your woman Clitoral Orgasms – using your Fingers, and using your Mouth (prepare to become a MASTER of Oral Sex)

– The truth about Vaginal Orgasms – and how you can give ANY woman this kind of Orgasm (using your Fingers, and during Intercourse, even if you’re small ‘down there’)

How to give your woman Anal Orgasms in 5 different ways (when you do this, you better be ready for her to SCREAM-THE-HOUSE-DOWN – because Anal Orgasms are incredibly powerful) – The secrets to giving your woman an amazing variety of ‘Non-Genital Driven Orgasms’ – including Nipple Orgasms, Ear Orgasms, Spanking Orgasms, Lip Orgasms and more (trust me… this WILL completely blow the mind of any woman you use it on, cuz it’s truly ‘Next Level’ stuff that hardly any man knows about)

– How to ‘get your woman off’ and make her CUM harder than ever before – using nothing but your voice (seriously – you’re gonna learn how to bring her to climax using just your voice… talk about POWER!!!)

– How to ‘Sexually Tease’ your woman to near breaking point – and then give her ‘Countdown Orgasms,’ Permission-Based Orgasms, and other unusual types of Orgasm that are gonna make her CUM so HARD it’ll bring tears to her eyes!

– The kind of ‘Naughty, Dirty’ Sex women LOVE – and how to enjoy it with your woman without her ever objecting (no matter how Outrageous and Taboo it gets!)

– When to make the sex ROUGH and NASTY, and ravage your woman senseless – and, when to make it Soft and Gentle

Better In Bed aims at helping men of various backgrounds and all status to evaluate sexual desires and intimacy between them and their partners. This book has programs that discuss male sexual issues (such as premature ejaculation) and help offer a concrete solution to such problems. Other than that, the book tackles on relevance of oral sex, how to reach climax and be in that state for a longer period, as well as how to attain stronger and longer penile erection for deeper and better penetration. Ideally, this program strives to inform the male about the latest sexual trends and techniques such as use of fingers, use of various lubrication methods, and use of tongue for arousal. It also talks of different sexual positions and their importance as far as bringing out absolute satisfaction is concerned. With this book, you will be able to promote love and attraction between you and your partner. It is handy, especially today when a great number of people do not get the time to indulge in actual intimacy. The book provides remedy for massive frustrations and imminent breakups.

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