Written for every man who wants to become a better lover
In this book you’ll discover how to get your woman to do all those things that you always wanted to happen in your sexlife but could never work out how to make your woman do for you.
And the best part is that I’m going to teach you how to make your woman not only do these things for you – but actually LOVE doing them for you.
A statistic that never fails to drive me crazy is that 90% of people never get past the first chapter of the books they buy.
It staggers my mind.
To make sure you read ALL of this book, here’s a quick look at just a little of what you’re going to discover (this is just a teaser to whet your appetite)
How to teach your woman to give you perfect hand jobs and ridiculously good blow jobs
How to get sex exactly when you want it
A simple technique for teaching your woman how to give you a sexual massage
The ultimate plan for getting her to love it when you ‘do her’ up the ass
How to get her to have threesomes, foursomes and group sex
Anyway, all you have to do to find out how to make all of that (and more) your reality is to do what most people FAIL to do with virtually every book they buy – READ IT.
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