How To Use The Program

Your erection dysfunction is curable.

Majority of men who uses this program get back completely functional strong erection.

It may not happen overnight, it may take weeks or even a few months to regain your old stamina. But if you’re persistent and committed, then you’ll be healed and never have to worry about erection dysfunction again.

There are two major causes for erection dysfunction; physical and emotional. Most men have little bit of both. Temporarily physical problem can also easily lead to long term emotional causes for erection dysfunction and vise verse.

In short, you don’t have to diagnose your problem. The program will work for you what ever may be the cause for your condition. Follow the guidance and you’ll be back in the saddle before you know it.

This exercise program has nine parts:

1. PC muscle exercises

2. Lower Abdominal Exercises

3. Lower back exercises

4. The Lama Exercises

5. Walking

6. Breathing exercises

7. Psychological Exercises

8. Relaxation exercises

9. Awareness exercises

Each part works on increasing the blood flow energy balance in specific areas or the whole body. Part 1 to 6 focuses more on the physical causes of erection dysfunction, part 7-8 emotional underlying cause for erection dysfunction. Part 9 is a little bit different and brings combination of both the emotional and physical through focused love making exercises.

I recommend you follow the guidance in part 1 to 9 for at least 10-14 days. Do as much as you can without creating a stress in your life. Try to do at least one exercise in each part every day.

After you’ve practiced part 1 to 9 for about two weeks, add the Awareness exercises to your daily routine. If you do not feel comfortable doing the awareness exercises, skip them. They do work well but everything has its time. So do what you can but don’t push anything.

This program is about progression, not immediate perfection. You’re building your sexual health up again. You’ve probably been declining little by little for years, whether you noticed it or not. So give your self some time and enjoy the trip to complete sexual health.


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