The “Must Have” Bible For Becoming A True Fearless Natural….
This is a Jam-Packed, “How To” Guide that is different than anything you’ve ever learned about how to approach, meet and interact with women.
I show you EXACTLY how to really transform yourself permanently into a fearless natural.
Here’s a quick “sneak peek” into what you’ll learn in The Fearless Code:
Lose Your “Approach Anxiety” For GOOD
My PROVEN 3-step technique (usually reserved just for my private coaching clients) to permanently get rid of fear and approach anxiety
Learn how to become a master conversationalist — how to know what to say every time to start a great conversation, and what to say to keep the attraction going as the conversation progresses so that she will be curious about YOU and WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU.
The one thing every “fearless natural” knows about attracting women that he does every time he enters a room.
My favorite strategy for how to tap into your authentic self so that you never again spend even one second having to “think” about how to approach or talk to women
How to hone your listening and observation skills so you will always know exactly how to approach, what to say….and what to say next!
How to get rid of the “monkey chatter” in your head … once and for all.
The specific exercise that will permanently erase approach anxiety — and never be nervous around another woman
Trigger Genuine Attraction in Women
The one thing you can do in ANY situation that will get a woman to notice YOU… no matter how many other guys are in the room
The #1 way to create IMMEDIATE ATTRACTION with the women you meet, so that they will be excited about seeing you again (and about getting sexual with you)
The KEY DIFFERENCE between the guy women will immediately write off as the “nice guy” and the guy they will feel immediately attracted to — and why women will make this decision even before you meet her.
How to ask out a woman at the end of a conversation so that she can’t wait for you to call her!
How to use the power of attraction momentum to intrigue any woman (how to escalate attraction in women in any conversation!)
The THREE KEY THINGS things that REALLY attract women — and the top 5 things that most repel them.
Stop “Settling” & Start Dating the Women You WANT
How to become THE SELECTOR – the guy who can walk directly up to the hot woman you are most attracted to and know instantly how to connect with her emotions (that is the KEY to women wanting to date you and sleep with you!)
The cardinal mistake made by 99% of men that will ALWAYS land you in the friend zone — and the secret to NEVER being put in “the friend zone” again!
How to go from being the chosen — and only having the option of dating women who choose you — to having the option to CHOOSE to date the women you are most attracted to (My most-requested technique at my Bootcamps!)
Know exactly where to go to meet the women you are really looking for
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