“Secrets Of Strip Club Seduction” Reveals:

get laid in vegasBehind-the-scenes “insider secrets” on how strip clubs operate, how strippers really make their money, and the optimal times for you to visit — and the best places to meet up with the girls after their shift.

scores clubWhy strip clubs can actually be better than bars and nightclubs when it comes to picking up hot single women.

scores gentlemans clubA secret Internet forum you don’t know about where real-life strippers post thousands of messages about their jobs, their customers, their problems, and their biggest turn-offs … and turn ons

las vegas gentlemans clubHow to handle the crucial first three minutes of the interaction/conversation.

gentlemans club baltimoreHow to build connections with gentlemans club employees (other than the dancers), so that whenever you visit the club, you have massive social status.

gold gentlemans clubThe one word you must NEVER say when talking to a hot stripper (90% of guys use this word all the time, which totally kills the girl’s interest!)

gentlemans club chicagoThe right way to respond when she asks you, “do you want a dance?” (Hint: it’s not “yes,” and it’s not “no.” I’ll give you several super-effective lines to use, so that you skip the dance and immediately engage her in a playful, penetrating conversation.)

the gentlemans clubHow take her mind off of her job, and get her completely focused on you.

vegas gentlemans clubClosely-guarded secrets for controlling the conversation with strippers, so that you never play her game, and bring her into YOUR reality instead.

dancer clubThe five secret methods for “teasing” strippers and making them want to impress YOU, instead of the other way around.

showgirls clubHow to identify the phony “signals of interest” that strippers use to manipulate men… and how to know when her interest in you is REAL (it will be, if you use the tips in this guide!)

stip clubThe intimate details you must get a hot dancer to reveal, if you want her to feel a sexual connection with you.

pick up on girlsHow to use subconscious phrases to get her in a sexual, spontaneous, “loose” frame of mind — so that she’s up for anything later tonight.

dejaPowerful “deal closers”: my favorite techniques for getting her phone number every time without fail, or arranging to meet her somewhere else after her shift…without spending money.

scores clubHow to guarantee that she meets you after her shift. (Without using this tactic, there is a 90% chance she will flake out on you — you need to know how to lock down your plans with her and make her eager to be there…)

spearmint vegasThe unknown reality about the type of guy strippers are really looking to date (trust me, it has nothing to do with looks or money).

palomino club Insights from real-life stripper friends of mine, about how they approach their job and the qualities they go for in men. (Their answers are going to shock you — and all of these girls have dated regular customers before!)

stripper pua How to immediately identify the different types of strippers (Including the “Pro,” the “Semi-Pro,” and the “Rookie” and others) and use laser-sharp tactics to penetrate their barriers.

hottest stripperWhere strippers hang out when they’re not working, and how to use power techniques to pick them up in these other environments.

strip gameHow to manage relationships with the strippers you date, and stay in control at all times.

pick up strippersYou’ll also learn the step-by-step guide to pulling off threesomes. Bring two girls home, and have them going wild on each other…and on you.

And much, much more…


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