Be Naturally Seductive Without Sleazy Pickup Artist Tricks

Rooted in advanced psychology and mind control strategies,

SonicSeduction™ works on virtually every female type on the planet – from

the homely girl-next-door to the top supermodel of the world

Module 1: Foundations

This module is the ‘backbone’ of the entire SonicSeduction™ system – get started immediately using this three-step system and achieve results in literally minutes. At the end of the module you will be able to see the ‘big picture’ of seduction – and get the exact roadmap which has led many men just like you to attain the success with women that they desired.

Module 2: The Magic Element

The second module of the SonicSeduction™ system – this is where you will build the bulletproof “core” for your inner game. You will discover about the essentials of having a strong and rooted self identity – using the proprietary C.E.C.R.C. Method.

This module will give you the time-saving shortcuts to obtain the necessary skills that most men never have developed on their own for years. Gear up for success!

Module 3: Sonic Approach Formula

Inside this SonicSeduction™ module you will discover the killer Sonic Approach Formula – containing the step-by-step “warplan” to approach any woman you lay your eyes on, and get her to respond positively to you every single time.

The truth is that you’ll have limited success if you don’t have the skills to approach women confidently and comfortably.  But don’t worry… we’ve got your back. This module will equip you with the tools and techniques you can immediately use to talk to any woman – and get her to fall for you every time.

Modules #4,5,6,7: The Mind Conditioner, Anxiety Buster + Pre-Game Activator

This set of four SonicSeduction™ modules comes in MP3 audio format – all you need to do is to listen to these tracks to condition your mind for seduction success!

These Brainwave Entrainment tracks (in MP3 format) come with a complete set of guide sheets (in PDF format) that will guide you step-by-step on how you can use them as part of the SonicSeduction™ system to achieve amazing results – fast.

Module #8: Approach Routines Playbook

The definitive guide to “sonic-speed” pickup – with detailed instructions on the specific lines to use which are field tested by SonicSeduction™ devotees hundreds of times.

This module will equip you with a set of original routines ready to be unleashed any time of the day, anywhere! Combine this with the Sonic Rapport Arsenal (modules 10, 11 and 12 below) and you’ll have the best rapport building techniques, bar none.

Module #9: Problem Solver Toolbox

This is a special module designed to be the ultimate ‘fix-it’ toolbox for solving the problems that may pop up – when you are approaching a woman for the first time or are already in a relationship with her.

Facing problems with the woman of your dreams? Having difficulties of getting rejected? Don’t fret – we’ve got your back. Use these SonicSeduction™ Problem Solver techniques and you’ll never have to worry about problems with women.

Module #10: Storytelling & Cold Reading

This is one of the biggest SonicSeduction™ modules on how to develop deep rapport with women – learn tactics and techniques on creating emotional connection with women and make them ‘addicted’ to you!

You will get word-for-word examples of verbatims and specific lines on what to say to increase your chances with women and get them to be emotionally hooked on you.

Module #11: Advanced Body Language Tactics

Inside this module you will learn cutting edge body language techniques to make her subconsciously attracted to you within minutes.

Body language is an essential component of any man’s game – this module is all you need to nail this crucial technique for good!

Module #12: Advanced Humor Tactics

This component of SonicSeduction™ contains the essentials of using humor to get a woman to fall head over heels for you.

The tactics contained in this action-packed module are a combination of humor and woman psychology which is time- and field-tested to perfection. Module 12 is foundational to the SonicSeduction™ philosophy, and not to be missed.

Module #13: Guide To Dating

This essential component of SonicSeduction™ is chock full of essential strategies that you must use to ‘survive’ the dating game. Learn how to continually captivate a woman and get her to be thrilled to go out with you – whether it’s the first or the fiftieth date!

The biggest mistake that an aspiring ‘pickup artist’ makes is to learn the best approach techniques in the world – and neglecting the essentials of building a great relationship. Don’t fall into the same trap. Use this knowledge to make her yours…forever.

Module #14: Guide To Getting The Kiss

Getting the kiss don’t have to be difficult at all – you just need to know the right tactics! In this special component of SonicSeduction™, you will learn the unique techniques to get the kiss.

With this manual, you will have the best techniques to get the kiss under your belt – you will never again caught unprepared.

Module #15: Physical Escalation Strategies

This module is the definitive guide on getting her comfortable with you physically and ultimately sealing the deal – it’s all in here.

If you’re looking for “endgame” strategies, they are all covered inside this comprehensive SonicSeduction™ module.

Module #16: Guide To Relationships

This is for you if you want to ‘play for keeps’. Whether you want to devote yourself to one special girl or want to build an entire harem of beautiful women all devoted to you – here are the essential strategics, tips and tactics to maintain long term relationships.

With this guide, you will have the powers to captivate women for the long term (or for as long as you wish!)

Bonus Module: SonicSeduction™ Case Study

This is a concise, blow-by-blow account of how a student of SonicSeduction™ used the system to attract a woman he met at a party in Boston. Jam packed with the actual lines I used as well as a very specific breakdown of the steps I took – consider this a masterclass in seduction from start till finish.

Given the amount of knowledge you are going to get in the whole SonicSeduction™ package, it is natural to feel overwhelmed. Worry not – this module will give you a detailed step-by-step roadmap so that you hit the ground running – and get immediate results!


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