What’s the difference between functional exercise and corrective exercise? Stop and consider that. Can you give a confident answer?
Tune in as Gray brings clarity to the corrective hierarchy. In this lecture, filmed live for DVD, he’ll explain the differences between functional and corrective exercise. He’ll provide the goals of both, and describe what each is best for and the challenges they present.
Then, he gives us his top exercise choices, those Key Functional Exercises You Should Know, and teaches us the order to use them and why. For each of these—the chop & lift, the deadlift and the Turkish getup—he details his favorite variations, the verbal instructions he uses, then moves to live demonstration with on-the-fly corrections. This is followed by his commentary and a question-and-answer session.
In this DVD, Gray focuses on the question many trainers and corrective exercise specialists and enthusiasts forget to ask: “Why is this important?” The question shouldn’t be if an exercise works; that’s the easy answer most everyone already knows. The better questions are “How is it working?” and “Why would each individual need it?”
What exactly is your goal for that exercise? What’s your goal for that person? Is it doing what you think it’s doing? Is it doing the same thing for your first client as it’s doing for the second?
These are the type of questions Gray proposes—and then answers—in this thought-provoking DVD. He’ll push you to think through the deeper levels of how these exercises work and why you’d use one exercise over another for each of your clients.
Product Preview:
3 Disc DVD Set, Running Time: 2 hours 40 minutes
It was filmed live at Perform Better in Long Beach, California, in August of 2012. All three discs include a PDF of the workshop manual and a PDF of Gray’s PowerPoint slides.
Disc 1
Introduction to Functional Exercise
The Tim Ferriss Experiment
Functional vs. Corrective Exercise
The Corrective Hierarchy
What is Functional Exercise?
Quality Comes First
Disc 2
PNF, Chops & Lifts
Chop & Lift Variations
Live Chop Demonstration & Instruction
Deadlift Variations
Live Deadlift Demonstration & Instruction
Deadlift Commentary
Disc 3
Turkish Getup Discussion
Getup Variations
Live Getup Demonstration & Instruction
Lee Burton: Using the FMS Site Tools
Gray Cook and Lee Burton Q&A
Pre-workshop Interview Clips
The third disc includes a beefed-up Extras folder containing the following:
- Pre-workshop Interview Clips
- Workshop Manual PDF
- PowerPoint Presentation PDF
- Full Lecture Transcript PDF, edited, with photos
- Full Lecture Audio MP3 file
- PowerPoint Videos
- 5 Excerpts from the book, Movement
- 6 Free Lectures
- 11 Typeset Gray Cook Articles
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