Why aren’t you shagging any American girl…right now!?
C’mon, lemme hear the excuses roll on in.
“They’re too bitchy”!
“Too difficult”!
“Too cold”!
“Have too much social status for a guy like me”!
“I’m foreign! American women don’t do foreign men”!
Your silly-lame shit excuses are just that: EXCUSES!
As someone who isn’t American, however lived there his entire life, and has slept with countless scores of American women of all ages, sizes, races, ethnicities, creeds and whatever else have you: I put together this detailed guide on how to exactly replicate the successes I often have in “Picking Up American Girls”.
Sounds interesting?
I bet!
Living overseas [outside of the USA] for the past few years, 99.9% of my students in the art of seduction, have been men just like yourself who haven’t had any, nor the best of luck in seducing American women.
Of those who were fortunate enough to meet an American chick through mutual friends; it rarely ever goes anywhere…unless you consider hi & byes a goal scored for yourself [I doubt it].
Now, the reality is- on an intrinsic level- all women are the same!
American girls aren’t different than any other westernized girls when it comes to what attracts them, what they respond to in a man and how to build a romantic connection with them.
Your inability to regularly pick up American women, is self-inflicted!
In other words: you are the cause of your failure and inability to replicate the few successes that you might have had.
A huge component at play as to why non-American men fail to pick up and bed American women, is the accent factor.
What if I were to tell you that your accent is the biggest asset you have in the game of picking up and dating American women?
“Kenny, you are lying right”?!!!
Nah- seriously bro!
American women, on a subconscious level, go bonkers for men who speak English with a foreign accent…which is you…perhaps.
Growing up in New York City, I talked with an accent which I brought along with me from the Caribbean islands where I was born.
My entire juvenile-adolescence years were marred with ridicule, scolding and shaming from American boys and girls alike, who would make fun of the way I talked, with a peculiar pronunciation of my English words which were unfamiliar to their ears.
As I grew older and embarked on my journey into the underground Pick-Up Artist [PUA] community, I began to learn from 1st-hand experience, how powerful retaining an accent would prove in attracting American women!
“Holy Shit!
What an epiphany!
You mean my accent was in fact a tool of attraction”?
As I said to myself in retrospect.
“Yes it was”!
It is your biggest tool in the toolbox to attracting, meeting, seducing and sleeping with American girls!
On the surface, you may never see this because you’re operating from a position of lower value, due to the fact that you’re unable to connect with these girls as a born American male is at liberty to do since he doesn’t have a language barrier to climb.
Hence, you crawl into that little-protective shell of yours and make all the excuses in the world to not meet women!
Some years ago, I had a British friend whom I’d met in the islands at a bar and grill joint by sheer chance, while trying to pick up a group of American girls whom he was interested in also.
Now, this Brit had the will. But he lacked the confidence, and he was visibly unsure of himself, and preoccupied with thoughts of how he would be perceived with his British accent by these American tourist girl.
After pulling these girls back to my hotel while literally forcing the British guy to join me, he was able to get laid that very night after I shared this tidbit of advice with him:
“Your accent is a fucking winner! Project your voice and don’t be ashamed to open up to these girls. American women LOVE foreign men”!
With those stern and encouraging words, I was able to transform this loser overnight into a chick-magnet who was eating American girls for breakfast!
All I encouraged him to do, was to realize his innate strengths when it comes to attracting American women.
You, just as the British bloke, are having this same mini-crisis, which stems from your uncertainty and not being sure of yourself or how you’ll be perceived because of your foreignness as a non-American.
Then there was the Spanish guy: a Latino from the Dominican Republic [whom I met at a house party], who later became another pupil of mines after he had major issues with connecting with American girls…let alone take any to bed.
His issues were similar to the Brit’s: he felt insecure and unsure of himself because of his poor English and distinguished accent.
He too, like most guys in his shoes who get around American girls, was in the blind as to the following secret that I shared with him over 5 years ago:
“American girls are 10 times as open to sleeping with you [a foreigner] than they are with an American guy”.
Within the next 2 weeks, he took 5 American girls to bed.
His new-found success had absolutely nothing to do with looks, money or any of the widely-acceptable myths out there as to why women date men.
In fact, as you can see from the photo of us: he’s very short [5’2] in stature while I tower over him at 6’2.
However, his shortcomings in the height department didn’t hinder him once he got under my tutelage.
Fast forward to 2015, he’s now married to a hot American chick after getting enough out of the player lifestyle in which I was his seedy mentor.
This e-book product should absolutely be tucked away in your proverbial travel-kit [in this case- your smartphone and e-book readers].
It’s a ‘Must Have’ for any guy who’s traveling to the USA [perhaps in the near future for a visit], or for the guy who’s already living in the USA but feels like a fish out of water in the dating market.
The reality is, most men are with the girl whom they’re with today- not by choice- but by settling for what they could get at that time.
No guy should be settling for a woman who doesn’t bring spark to his life.
With having choice in learning simple tips of how to pick up women in general; you get the girl you want! Not the girl whom was selected for you by peers, family, coworkers and the like.
My method for picking up hot American girls, is unmatched anywhere else on the globe!
As a non-American, I had to navigate on my own since there was no one teaching How to get with the American girls whom I was passing regularly on the streets, but didn’t have the know-how nor the will to make something happen for myself.
Over time, I crafted the skills which enabled me to seduce American girls of all races, ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds…proving that race meant shit!
From studying my method, you will have learned how to attract American women on the streets and online.
A huge chunk of this PDF e-book is dedicated to picking up American girls online: be it through online-dating sites [such as POF and Tagged] to social-media outlets.
If you’re like me, I prefer that when I’m traveling, I already have girls lined up in the countries to which I’m traveling…girls whom I’d met online.
That is the hidden beauty in utilizing my method to attract and pick up American women online.
Most non-Americans guys living outside of the USA, do this all wrong!
I receive tons of e-mails from Indian guys with the same complaint when it comes to meeting American girls online or while out and about:
“Hi Kenny. I’m not having much success in getting anywhere with American girls. I’ve been in New York City for 2 weeks visiting my family. I just want to meet new girls here in America but I come to realize that American girls are really intolerant and hostile towards foreign men like myself. And perhaps racist are the blondes towards us Indian men”.
Yes! That is an excerpt from an actual e-mail I got from an Indian guy in the United Kingdom who periodically visits the United States of America.
The reality is: race is NOT a fucking issue!
Your emphasis on race is what creates an issue for yourself!
I’ve coached quite a few Indian and Japanese men through my online programs. And I can say for sure that after I’d deliberated and put those guys straight as to what attraction is: they no longer needed my service as they began to experience dating American girls in a brand-new light…with more sex might I add.
Some key notes and subjects I tackled in “How To Pickup American Girls”:
♦ Why foreign men inherently have a major edge and upper hand over American men in meeting American women♦How to use your foreignness as an attraction magnet♦Main reasons you fail to meet American women online♦The correct way to meeting American women online towards sex♦Why American men hate you and see you as a perceived and viable threat♦Simplest format to break the ice with any American girl: in person or online
♦Why American girls are dying to sleep with you over American men
♦How to realize and take advantage of your 4 strengths as a stranger and a foreigner
Ok, so can American men who travel outside of the country, use this revolutionary material to pick up foreign women?
Non-American men are only highlighted here because I am non-American.
However, this material can very much be applied to success by American men who are interested in picking up women from other countries; be they in America or overseas.
Just as a Canadian man can implement this method while traveling.
This training-kit, which is available in .PDF format, contains only 133 pages which makes it easy for timely reading and application of the method.
After you will have purchased this product, a download link will immediately be provided on the post-purchase page where you can simply hit the link and get the product instantly [2 MB].
30 day money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with the product guide.
Note: This material contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old.
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