Who Else Wants To Know How To Seduce And Bed FIFTEEN Women In One Month … (Yes, That’s One Woman Every Two Days)?

“Discover how a 31-year-old obese virgin used a little known system to transform from a total stuttering loser to a smooth seduction master and went on to bed 15 beautiful women in 29 days.”


Today I am going to expose to you one well-kept secret in attracting and seducing women that nobody has probably ever told you.

But before that, I have got a few questions for you, and I want you to answer each of them as honestly as you can.

  • Do you want phenomenal success with women?
  • Would you want to bed any girl you want in as quickly as 30 minutes upon meeting her?
  • Do you think that you should give a girl anything and everything she wants in order to score with her?
  • Have you ever seen a girl who you like but didn’t make a move because she was ‘out of your league’?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any one of the questions above or more, then pay close attention because you will be surprised with what I am going to tell you.

My name is Derek Rake. I write extensively on the topic of dating and seduction. Do a quick google on my name and you’ll find that my articles have been widely published over the last three years.

It is my life’s penultimate purpose to discover the reason the vast majority of men fail with women, and the best way to overcome this problem.

Over the last five years I have been applying, testing and improving the techniques I learnt from the “best of the best” pickup artists in the world.

This is how my work will benefit you.

You see, I have taken the time to write everything I learnt from these masters down in a manual.

It is packed with fresh insights on how to be more successful with women, tapping into the vast knowledge and experience of some of the the best master seductionists in the world today.

Presenting Derek Rake’s seduction system for men – “How To Seduce Out Of Your League”

“How To Seduce Out Of Your League” is the exact blueprint to bring you step-by-step to transform you into an expert in dating, pickup and seduction.

No matter if you’re new to the game, or are already an established pickup artist in your own right, this course will bring your skillset with women to the next level.

Whether you want to get a steady girl or no-strings-attached honeys for one night stands, this book will give you everything you need to turn your fantasy into reality.

The system is virtually foolproof and is so easy to apply that I can personally guarantee that you will score with the woman of your dreams.

I will give you all the tools you need to make women become helplessly attracted to you, forcing them to chase you instead and make you the ultimate success with women, no matter how you look and how much money you have.

Here are some of the secrets that you will learn inside this home study course…giving you everything you will ever need to seduce way out of your league.

  • How to create instant attraction – develop lightning-fast bond and rapport by using these specific techniques I am going to give you. (Page 35)
  • Blow-by-blow analysis of successful pickup conversations. Model after these and you will be virtually unstoppable. (Pages 10, 23, 28, 33)
  • A covert neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) trick that you can use to evoke emotions in the woman and get her attached to you. Includes the specific words and phrases to say that you can use right away out of the box. WARNING – NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED. (Page 37)
  • The absolute #1 reason why men fail with women – and how men unknowingly make this mistake which sabotages the chances they have with women. (Page 19)
  • How an age-old persuasion and marketing technique can be used to
    generate massive attraction to you within three minutes flat. Now you don’t have to wait days, weeks or months to get anywhere with any woman. (Page 25)
  • The two power strategies that will make you stand out of the pack and make women see you as the most desirable, attractive man they have ever met. (Page 24)
  • The ‘Seducer’s Mindset’ that will get you laid like a rockstar. (Page 4)
  • How to apply The Reversal Principle – the secret on how to ‘reverse’ the game to make her chase YOU instead. (Page 29)
  • How you can use a simple but often misunderstood (and misused) hypnosis trick to build your confidence and amplify your irresistibility to women. (Page 14)
  • The best-kept secret on how to make a woman go crazy over you by using the S_______ Principle. (Page 5)
  • How to build your inner game and develop massive self confidence so that you can approach women anytime, anywhere you want with ZERO fear. (Page 7)
  • Going for the kiss – the essentials you will need to know. (Page 46)
  • Why ‘bad boys’ get all the women they want, and leave the nice guys behind.  Find out how you can use what bad boys know to seduce women out of your league. (Page 9)
  • Where to meet lots of eager women – you will NOT have heard this anywhere else. (Page 21)
  • How to create interest and intrigue in your target, and make her fixated to you and hang on to every word you say. (Page 26)
  • The very important concept of ‘calibration’ and how that can make or break your success with women. (Page 41)

Sounds Good, But How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?
Hold on – I will get to that in a minute. 🙂

This report is a limited version. I am restricting the number of copies of this report because the fewer people know about the techniques in this book, the more effective they are for us in the know.

For this reason, I am limiting the distribution of this report to 99 copies. Once I hit the magic number 99, I reserve the right to pull this off the market entirely.

That said, the report is only $47 $27 $17.

Yes, you read that right. Only $17. If you just scrolled down to look at the price and decide that $17 is too much to pay, that’s alright. 🙂

But if you have read the letter in its entirety, you will know that it is worth every red penny.

After all, how much is success with women worth to you? Surely more than a couple of bucks?

Now, you may be wondering why I am pricing this at such a low price. Simple… my goal is to help you get better with women, not rob you blind.

What’s more – I am fully confident that with this book, you will achieve massive success with women that I offer a 100% money back guarantee for a full 365 days.

That’s right, you have one whole year to decide if the book is worth $17!

Ridiculous, I know, but I want to make sure that I overdeliver, and you are happy with your purchase.

In the case that you are not satisfied for any reason at all, all you need to do is to email me and ask. I will promptly issue your refund, and heck – I will even let you keep the book!

How’s that for a guarantee? 🙂
To further sweeten the pot a little…

If you purchase the ebook today, I will throw in two valuable bonuses to make this deal a total no-brainer.

Bonus 1: “The Flake Buster Report”

This is a short report on the one essential tactic that you can use to ‘flake-proof’ your date requests. If you have experienced women cancelling dates on you, then you will have to know this.

  • If you ever plan to go on a ‘date rampage’ and go out frequently with women, this single report will be saving you from heartbreak
  • How to make a girl feel ‘invested’ in you so that she has less tendency to flake
  • The ‘Us vs Them’ frame – a surefire method to to build and deepen connection and rapport with her
  • The “role reversal” techniques that conveys prizability and value – so that she looks forward to the date and treat it as a highly important event

You will also get word-for-word verbatims and lines on what to say to increase your chances with women and ensure they won’t cancel a date on you ever again.

Bonus 2: “Strippology™”

Now, you can easily learn the “little-known” skills, know-how and tactics of…

  • How to walk into a strip club, and within 30 minutes, seduce a gorgeous stripper, and walk out with her holding on to your arm… and change the way others will view you, forever.
  • How to bypass her most common excuse that she feeds every other guy in the room… “Sorry sweetie, but I don’t date customers”… and show her that you’re the kind of guy she would want to date (or go out and have fun with.)
  • How to completely shut down her “stripper talk” by showing her that you are an “insider”… that you are “in on the secret”…and get her to treat you differently than the rest of the chumps in the club
  • How to cleverly show her that you are the “stripper boyfriend” type and that, unlike most guys, you can handle dating a woman like her
  • Learn little-known secrets about where to sit and how to project attractiveness that will get the stripper to approach you first, instead of the other guys. (I’ll also reveal what never to do or say… or you will walk out of there empty-handed, like the rest of the guys.)
  • How to avoid the regular, boring topics and instead get her to ‘open up’ and even compel her to start proving to you that she’s worthy of your time. (This is something strippers will never care to do with other guys.)

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