The KING’S Way To Attract
ANY Woman or Deal You Want Within The First 2 Minutes..
We’re dealing with Attraction and making YOU a King at an IDENTITY level.
And the beauty is that an identity incorporates tactics and strategies and abilities and these are NATURALLY integrated as we go along.
Now, I want to be clear. I most definitely DO talk about tactics. In fact, there’s a whole session on 44 killer tactics you can use.
Yet, what makes the program work is that you see yourself as an Attraction King. So that anywhere, at any time, in any place, and with any one, you are attractive and the results are immediately obvious.
Because it’s not anything that you do. It’s who you ARE.
Attraction is at the core of your being…
There’s just no other way to look at it.
It’s an insanely fantastic feeling. By the end of watching these videos. The blinders come off, and you see yourself for who you really are. An Attraction King.
Now I know at some level, especially if you’ve been struggling, that may seem quite unrealistic right now. But trust me. And I’m telling you to… TRUST ME.
Because nobody, when it comes to getting laid has your back like I do. Nobody’s fvcked up more than I have. And nobody’s NAILED the prize like I have.
You might see me every day on video or in writing as part of Team Capital VIP, where I give, give and give everyday.. And you know, I’m living my dream. I’m making things happen. I’m bringing my own party.
You gotta know, you deserve to know what that feels like. To be able to OWN your own personal attractiveness. To be able to walk into any place and say to yourself with absolute, unshakeable confidence “I own this place.”
When you can do that? When you can BE that?
That’s attractive…
That’s being irresistible to
women and deals…
That’s POWER.
To do that, you don’t need money. You don’t need good looks. All you need is a plan. Coupled with desire and commitment.
And you know what happens? You loosen up. Your power comes out. Your playfulness comes out. Not in an arrogant way. But in a way that’s even more attractive to women and magnetic to money.
Here’s what’s inside:
Module #1: Activate The Attraction King Within
Overview of the course. The course is broad AND deep.
But at the same time, it’s fast paced. You should be able to get through the entire program in a day. Ready to put what you learn into action that night.
More importantly, we’ll deeply embed into your brain the top three laws of Attraction Kings. (All Kings must create their own laws to rule.)
You’ll notice a profound internal shift begin to happen as a new world opens up to you as an Attraction King.
Module #2: The Attraction King Installation Series
Now that we have the roadmap in hand, we set off on the Attraction King journey.
I lay out what’s required when installing all the attributes, qualities, characteristics you need to become an Attraction King.
You’ll find the process provocative, yet profoundly familiar.
It’s like waking up dormant DNA, dormant genes, that have been suppressed until now.
Module #3: The Attraction King Methods and Techniques
Module #3 is the module most guys get excited about.
I unleash the strategies, tactics and techniques of an Attraction King.
47 in all.
Of course, you don’t have to use any or all of them. But we’re guys right? We’re into tools.
These are the tools of an Attraction King. The best ones. The ones I use and Team Capital uses.
Module #4: Unleashing Your Ultimate Power As An Attraction King
Now we’re getting into some heady, deep stuff. The ultimate power of an Attraction King. You didn’t think a King exerts total power and control because he plays by other people’s rules, did you?
Most guys never get clear about the mindset, the identity, the values, the beliefs, the capabilities of being an Attraction King. We’re covering that. But they really never get clear about the power we’re installing into you during this Module.
What I’m saying is you’ll discover why most guys don’t what they want. And I’m telling you most guys have a blindspot.
They can’t see it for the life of them and that’s exactly what holds them back from becoming an Attraction King.
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