How To Seduce Any Woman Into Your Bed…

… Directly From Facebook, MySpace Or Any Online Dating Website… Using A New Scientifically Validated Method That Works Every Time Like Seduction Voodoo

“In the next 5 minutes, you will discover the exact Blueprint that I use to get women to respond to my emails, surrender their phone numbers and get them out on dates with me.”

Dear Friend,

Whether you want to meet as many women as possible, or you just want to meet that special someone – the “Blueprint” that I am going to show you will completely revolutionize your dating life.

And you think that’s exciting, wait until I share with you how you can “weed out” the unattractive women (profile pictures can be deceiving!) and still have a never-ending stream of beautiful women wanting to date you.

And by “beautiful”, I don’t mean just “pretty”. The women that I’ve found online and dated included cover models, hot-bodied gym teachers, yoga trainers, dancers as well as sweet “girl next door” types. Read every word of this letter and you’ll find the solid proof that anyone – including you – can easily do just what I have done.

But if you’re already into online dating, then you might have been frustrated by the whole experience. According to JupiterResearch, a whopping 97% of men who join online dating sites quit within the first 90 days – simply because they are not getting results that they want. Do you know why so many men fail at online dating?

Here’s The Dirty Little Secret About Online Dating Sites…

Fact: the ratio of men to women at any one dating site could be as high as 5 to 1. So, women could afford to be choosy – while men had to fight for whatever scraps that they can find.

If you think that women get approached a lot at night spots and bars, then just imagine what happens when a hot chick puts her pictures up on an online dating site. Any attractive woman who posts her profile online would INSTANTLY get messages… and then dozens more for the days to come. They could get as many as 100 emails a DAY from every type of guy you can imagine.

So what does a woman do when her email inbox gets bombarded like this on a daily basis? Typically, she would start DELETING emails quickly, and if your email doesn’t have something that STANDS OUT then there’s a high chance that it gets deleted with the rest.

How I Created The Ultimate “Blueprint” To Online Seduction Success…

Because I’m a dating coach by profession, I decided to “translate” my experience into the realm of online dating. Most of the dating techniques that I teach are from rigorous in-field testing – I find out which techniques work (so that I can do more of those) and which don’t (so that I stop using them).

So I started conducting tests to find out (1) what kind of pictures and profiles that women respond to, (2) emails that women like best, and (3) the best methods to get women to give up their phone numbers…and finally get them to meet me in person.

Between the members of my team and I, we have tested close to 12,500 emails, 750 pictures and 140 different profiles exposed to some 350+ women on five sites: Facebook, MySpace, eHarmony, LavaLife and We kept track of everything… and recorded results and findings into stacks of notebooks and files. We constantly fine-tuned our emails and profiles to further optimize and make them work better.

I then put everything together into a 7-Step Blueprint using the data that we have so painstakingly collected, and as a result, we came up with the largest compilation of online dating strategies ever assembled by anyone, anywhere.

Now Here’s The Good News…

I am convinced that anyone can use this “optimized” Blueprint to be successful at meeting women online. There are no complicated lists or “routines” to memorize. If you can send out an email, copy and paste – then you’ve got all the necessary skills required to apply everything inside the manual. With the ODP™,  meeting women online will become as easy as sending out emails.

Here’s exactly what you get when you have your hands on the ODP™:

  • The online-specific rules you need to obey… so that by the time you actually meet a woman in person, it will feel like you’ve already been on several dates together
  • How to hold a huge advantage over male competition at online dating sites – and how you can exploit their WEAKNESSES to come out tops
  • Why you suck at online dating… and how you can overcome the challenges and improve your online game FAST
  • The Cyberspace Trap – how online dating can HARM your ability to seduce women (you must know this!)
  • Starting your online conquest – where to go, and what to do to give yourself an explosive headstart
  • The “Number One” online dating rule – know this rule and you will TRIPLE the chances of a woman replying to your emails
  • The ODP™ 7-Step Blueprint – follow this field-tested blueprint and you’ll be able to get dates off any woman that you meet online – irrespective of how hot she looks or how popular she is
  • How to write an insanely attractive profile – something extraordinarily compelling which gets women to email you FIRST!
  • Contrary to what other “gurus” tell you, why you should NEVER put up pictures of you with beautiful women on your profile (you’ll never find this information anywhere else)
  • The basic “grounding” principle you must know about developing your profile. Four secret techniques you need to use to turbocharge your profile and make yourself stand out from the crowd
  • How to use “Sensory Language” to appeal to a woman emotionally and build rapport instantly and easily – with specific examples of phrases and storylines to use
  • The five potential pitfalls you must avoid – most profiles make one or more of these mistakes, so if you know what these are then you’ll be able to craft a uniquely attractive profile easily
  • The “Broad vs Specific” theory – why you should be as broad as possible when you describe who you want to meet
  • The “Shotgun” template – how to reuse an email which feels personalized to the woman that you send it to
  • The “no-brainer” way on getting a woman to reply to your message – use this to craft your message and you’ll practically “force” her to email you back
  • Beyond the Introduction – what to do next after the first email in order to further intrigue her and boost her interest in you
  • Insanely powerful Instant Messenger tricks and tactics – how to create attraction using simple but deadly effective “IM seduction” techniques
  • How to have the right answers to all her questions – obey this single rule and you’ll make her attracted to you quickly even before you meet her in person
  • How to pick pictures to post on your profile – practical tips on choosing the right pictures to make your profile shine above the rest
  • Why posting pictures with girls is a RED FLAG (you must know this)
  • How to get her out on a date – a simple trick that will get her to desperate to see you in person
  • What to say when you call her so that she gets excited to hear from you… and want to get together with you
  • The “Ex Trap” – how to handle questions about your previous relationships (use these “stock” answers and you’ll pass her tests every single time)
  • How to build up sexual tension and make her desperate to meet you – using a simple trick when you talk to her on the phone
  • How to juggle several relationships online – with these techniques, you’ll get dates lined up for you for months ahead!
  • The Troubleshooter – what to do when she suddenly stops reply to your emails – and the “Golden Rule” you must obey when dealing with flaky women
  • Advanced “Profile Pumper” techniques you must know – you won’t find this anywhere else!
  • A real life Case Study on how to troubleshoot a profile – a blow-by-blow example on going from zero to hero… use this toolkit to fix your profile right now

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