“Here Are The Tips And Techniques To Give Her Mind Blowing Orgasms… Tonight And Every Night”
I’ll Show You The Exact Steps And Specific Female Orgasm Techniques To Master Her Body And “Rock Her World” Like Never Before… Regardless of Your “Size”, Previous “Stamina” Issues, Or Past Experiences…
In this letter I’m going to tell you why YOU should get Revolutionary Sex… BUT FIRST I’m going to share some great techniques for improving your sex life nearly INSTANTLY…
Wouldn’t you like to give your woman the most incredible, mind-melting, sheet twisting, breathless, orgasm of her entire life?
The type of orgasm that leaves her hoarse from screaming so much… that leaves her dreamy-eyed and messy-haired in your arms, filled with so much contentment that she actually starts to cry tears of joy from the pleasure she has just experienced?
Wouldn’t you like to be so confident in your sexual abilities, that you could give ANY woman an orgasm the very first time you made love… (even if she is one of the many women who has never had an orgasm before in her life)?
Can you imagine how that sexual confidence and ability could create harmony and happiness in your current relationship?
Can you imagine how eager and willing your woman would be to make you happy and please you (both in and out of the bedroom) if you, and only you, could bring her to such ecstatic heights of sexual pleasure?
Let’s talk truth here…
Have you ever felt like the woman you were with was not completely satisfied by the sex you were having together?
Have you you ever experienced the way routine sex can eat away at away at your relationship? Or felt her interest level in having sex slowly fading away to nearly nothing?
Have you ever worried that your wife or girlfriend might eventually look elsewhere, outside of the relationship, to fill her feminine sexual needs and secret desires?
Okay, I’ll let you in on a little secret here… I already know the answers, because EVERY guy feels this way sometimes.
Just about every man I’ve ever met wishes that he had more skills in the bedroom.
Men wish they could be more sexually confident, they’d like to be able to make their lover scream her head off from pleasure, and brag to her friends the next morning that you were a complete master in the bedroom last night…
Every man wants to command respect and admiration from his woman.
You want her to be breathless and thrilled every time you get near her, or gaze into her eyes.
Unfortunately, Most Men Will Never REALLY Please A Woman In Bed
All you have to do is listen to a few women talking to know the truth of this…
And the facts speak for themselves:
- More than half of women say they are not sexually satisfied
- 70% of women NEVER have an orgasm from intercourse
- 14% have never had an orgasm AT ALL. Not ever.
But… if every man wishes he were great in bed, WHY are all the women walking around COMPLAINING so much about how lame their sex lives are?
The fact is, most men in our culture are too embarrassed to ask for help… even worse, the walk around PRETENDING that they are tough, that they aren’t afraid of anything, that they have more friends than they really do… and that they are super-stars in the bedroom.
Well I’m here to tell you that all of that is just B.S.
You weren’t born knowing other skills like how to walk, how to speak English, or how to parallel park a car. These are basic skills that you LEARNED when the time came in your life that you needed them.
Being a great lover is just like any other skill, and any man can learn it if he wants to.
But UNLIKE learning to walk, speak English, or drive a car, it’s a little more difficult to figure out WHERE you can get the love making techniques for complete sexual mastery.
Let’s face it, it’s not the sort of thing you ever asked your parents, and the “Sex Education” that you might have had in school was simply ridiculous—you learn that you have testicles and women have ovaries… and if you are very lucky you might have been told what a condom is… (but it’s a good bet that they never mentioned anything about the fact that it might be challenging to stay hard while you’re trying to figure out how to get the thing on—dealing with THAT little challenge might have been useful information!)
You could talk to your buddies about it… but how do you know if THEY have any idea of what they are doing? Because they bragged about it? Yeah, right.
And let’s face it, you’re not going to do a survey of your friends’ girlfriends to find out who’s REALLY doing things right.
And that leaves most guys to learn what they know about sex from the WORST possible place of all: Pornography.
But as most men figure out pretty quickly, those actresses are acting like they are enjoying it– and just whacking away in a position that gives the camera a good angle isn’t going to impress any REAL woman. In fact, it creates some really disturbing sexual problems for many of the couples who come to me for sexual counseling.
Fortunately, there is REAL information out there that can actually turn EVERYTHING around for you—And make her into the lover she’s always fantasized about.
How To Know If A Woman Was “Faking It” With You…
Most Women Admit That, Sometimes They PRETEND They Are Enjoying It… While Wishing They Were With Someone Else
And for many women, it’s EVERY TIME.
Has a woman ever done this with you?
Or… a better question… if she was just “faking it”… would you be able to tell?
But, probably not.
In fact, many (or even most) women regularly “fake it” with men… and most men never know the difference.
While a woman will complain to her girlfriends for HOURS about how bad you are in the bedroom… few women have the confidence to tell you, to your face, that you’re lousy in bed. Unfortunately, this is especially true if she loves you.
In fact, women who accidentally stumble upon and read my newsletters email me every week asking how they can talk to their husbands about buying my book without hurting his “male ego”. I probably have nearly a hundred of these emails by now… and the list is growing.
Since a woman usually won’t TELL YOU that you’re not doing it “right”… they just suffer in silence, and little by little her dissatisfaction just eats away at the relationship…
So, will a woman stay with a man who is just “OK” in bed?
Maybe. There’s much more to a good relationship than good sex and most women are smart enough to know that.
But it doesn’t mean she won’t eventually try to get fulfillment somewhere else.
I’m just talking reality here… studies show that most (that means more than half of) married women cheat at one time or another.
Now, let me ask you another question:
Have you ever had a woman you were intimate with, either once or on a regular basis, lose interest… or maybe even start seeing SOMEONE ELSE?
I’m going to bet you that at least PART of the reason it happened is because you didn’t know how to sexually connect with her in a way that “rocked her world”.
Sure… there may have been some other reasons why she lost interest… but, here’s the thing:
When a woman is with a man who REALLY satisfies her sexually, there is almost NOTHING he can do to get rid of her… even if he wants to.
In other words, if the sex was great, she probably would have stuck around.
If you’ve ever wondered how those “bad boys” seem to be able to get away with ANYTHING and still have a woman come back for more… this is usually the reason why.
The next time a woman is complaining to you about some jerk she is dating, say to her, “But he’s great in bed, right?”
You’ll usually get a knowing smile…
Let’s be honest here—relationships are much more complicated than just good sex… but if you are consistently, not just achieving female orgasm, but… ROCKING HER WORLD in the bedroom… consistently sharing these intense feelings can build mountains of intimacy…
And feeling like her man is capable of mastering her body sends biologically instinctive feelings and chemical hormones through a woman’s body that make her feel safe, secure, and content with her choice of mate.
Any Man Can EASILY Give A Woman The Most Intense, Mind-Blowing Sexual Experience Of Her Entire Life…
More importantly, once you learn these things, you’ll see that you can give women theseunforgettable sexual experiences without it EVER becoming “stale” or “routine” for either of you… it’s not something that diminishes over time—but actually becomes BETTER and more POWERFUL as your intimacy with each other grows.
In fact… what I’m talking about is VERY different from the things you’ve probably ever been told women want in the bedroom.
The good news is that once you begin to understand the basic principles, it is so simple, I’m confident ANY man can learn it in a very short time… and begin using it to give his partner UNCANNY sexual pleasure the very same night he discovers it…
NO… I’m not talking about a “pill”… a “cream”… an “accessory”… or even a special “technique” or position…
I’m talking about something FAR more powerful… and if YOU want to become the type of man that women brag about to their friends and long to be with over and over and over again… whether she is a recent girlfriend… or your wife of many years, then I’m very excited to share it with you.
“3 Tips You Can Use TONIGHT To Rock Her World In The Bedroom”
Whether you buy my book or not… I am seriously committed to helping you get this area of your life sorted out so that you and your woman can live HAPPILY ever after.
So, as I promised, here are 3 tips you can use TONIGHT to drive your woman crazy.
1) Calm Down And Do What Comes Naturally…
I know some people might say, “what kind of advice is that? How is that something I don’t already know? Isn’t doing what’s natural what I’m already doing?”
Ha! I wish!
No. When it comes to sex in the modern world, nobody does what is organic or natural.
Most people, both men and women, especially “beginners”, are completely hung up on their internal insecurities, they are thinking more about what they “should” do than what they want to do… and if they are under 30, having come of age sexually in the age of the Internet… they are more influenced by what they’ve SEEN of sex than by what is natural for them to do…
In fact, it’s unlikely they can even sort out their own desires from the things they’ve watched a thousand times.
It actually takes patience and willingness to explore the inner depths of yourself to figure
out what is organic to you… and organic to the two of you as a couple.
It requires openness, connection and comfort with each other, and confidence within yourself.
The first step?
Calm down, don’t worry so much, and enjoy her body.
Women are incredibly sensitive to a man’s emotional state when they are making love to you. And she can tell when you are off in your head… involved in a fantasy, thinking about some weird insecurity, or wondering if you are doing it right and if she is going to have an orgasm…
She can also tell when you are completely present and authentic with her… and that is a HUGE turn on. It gives her “permission” to completely “lose herself” in pleasure.
2) Don’t Change Your Rhythm When It’s “Working”
This is one of the number-1, most frustrating things in the world for women…
Some girls like if fast, some slow. Some like to be very aggressively man-handled, some like a very gentle and loving caress. Most women like more than one thing, and often, what that thing is, depends on her mood… so you should ALWAYS BE PAYING ATTENTION.
When you do something right, she WILL let you know. She’ll tense up, she’ll breathe faster, she’ll push back towards you, or, if things are going very well, she’ll gasp or begin moaning.
Now here’s the important point:
When you get this signal from her, KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING.
This sounds so obvious, but most women will tell you that when a man gets these signals he is either oblivious and ignores them and keeps varying what he’s doing, or taking it asencouragement, he continues—but he ratchets up the intensity, the force, or the rhythm.
I guess we just can’t help it. We grow up with sports—we’re used to sprinting at the finish.
This is a mistake. This sudden sprint when she is almost there is what causes her to say, “I’m almost there, I’m almost there…” and then never get there.
When you find the right rhythm and intensity level, just hold steady right there.
Within a few minutes at most, if you just maintain that rhythm, she’ll have an orgasm. And she’ll have YOU to thank.
3) Do Your Sexercises
Every man should do kegel compression exercises to strengthen his erection and his ability to control his ejaculation.
These simple exercises, originally designed by a gynecologist, Dr. Kegel, to help women regain control of their vaginal muscles after child-birth, have been shown to not only increase a man’s sexual abilities… but also to increase men’s sexual PLEASURE at orgasm.
Sounds like something worth doing, right?
If you aren’t doing them already, here’s how: Just squeeze the muscles in the pelvic floor called the PC muscles… the same muscles you would squeeze to stop the flow of urine if the doorbell rang while you were peeing.
Try squeezing 50 times fast… then 10 times holding for 10 seconds. Switch it up. You can do them any time and anywhere and nobody will ever know!
4) Know How To Find Her G Spot
I know I said “3 Tips” but I want to include a few more as long as we’re here… Besides, it’s always fun to over-deliver…
I can’t figure out how there are some men who still don’t know how to find their lover’s g spot. If you do a search on the internet you can find a diagram in Wikipedia or a hundred other reputable reference sites.
So let’s make this simple. It’s along the top wall of the vagina, about 1.2-3 inches in. It’s about the size of a quarter, and it feels spongy and firm when a woman become aroused (that spongy softness is her intra-uterine glands filling with fluid… the same glands that cause female ejaculation).
The easiest way to find it is to insert 1 or 2 fingers into her vagina with your palm facing up (towards her belly), and slowly curly your fingers, letting your finger-tips trace along the top wall of the vagina.
If she is not aroused enough yet, she may find this touching of her g spot uncomfortable or even painful. But when she is highly aroused, she will catch her breath with pleasure when you hit the right spot.
A rhythmic motion on this spot can cause volcanically powerful orgasms… and if your woman is not experiencing them, you definitely need to keep reading this letter to find out how to get way more details on this simple technique.
And by the way, we can call this tip “4-B”, you can use your tongue on her clitoris at the same time. This should send her into orbit.
5) Learn How To Be Sexually Attractive…
We like sex better when we are more attracted to our partner.
Sexual arousal comes from attraction—so obviously one factor in being better in bed is being more sexually attractive to the woman that you are with.
For men, sexual attraction is largely a matter of physical appearance.
But when a woman says that a man is sexy, she is frequently NOT talking about what he looks like…
Many women say that actors like Vin Diesel or James Gandolfini are sexy. But neither of them is obviously good looking in the way that a Tom Cruise or a Brad Pitt is. So obviously, “sexy” for a woman is far more than a pretty face.
“Sexy” to a woman is usually about CONFIDENCE… especially SEXUAL CONFIDENCE.
Listen, being extremely confident in your ability to please a woman is something that women CAN sense.
If you doubt me on this, just ask any woman you know…
Many men who I have counseled said that women were much more attracted to them after they gained sexual skill…. and that women they dated even TOLD them later on that they were initially attracted because they could “sense” his sexual confidence… and that this was a HUGE turn-on for them, both inside and outside the bedroom.
It’s a fact: When a guy knows what he’s doing between the sheets, he has an aura about him that women notice… and are attracted to like a magnet…
Unfortunately most guys never take the time to learn how to drive a woman wild… so they never gain the sexual confidence–and sexual attractiveness to women–that goes along with having this skill.
In the bedroom, this sexual confidence helps women who normally have difficulty achieving orgasm to surrender much more quickly and easily into their orgasm, regardless of what other “techniques” her lover is using.
Unfortunately…You Can’t Learn This Stuff From A Woman
One of the craziest things I learned from interviewing so many women on this subject is that, by and large, women are even more clueless about this stuff than men.
The reasons why are quite interesting.
The first reason is that because all women are different, they like different things in bed—some like it fast, some like is slow, some like it hard, some like it tender, etc.—if you ask any one particular woman what makes a man great in bed, maybe she’ll be able to tell you what female orgasm techniques work for HER… maybe…
Because here is reason #2… unlike men, who basically know what turns them on and can make themselves orgasm (through masturbation) anytime we want… many women have no idea how to pleasure themselves. Even women who can have an orgasm through masturbation usually have no idea how much MORE INTENSE their sexual pleasure could be with a skilled lover.
For one thing, a woman usually can’t reach her own g spot (without using some specially designed “g spot toy”). And that’s just the beginning.
There are even more important, emotional, psychological, and physical reasons that a woman simply can’t experience her full sexual potential without a man.
So if a woman isn’t going to teach you how to please her, how the heck are we men supposed to figure this stuff out?
There are only two options here:
1) Spend 15 years reading every book on sexuality and sex techniques, interview hundreds of women, couples, and men, and practice everything until you’re certain of what does and does not work…. then write a book, sell it to hundreds of men, get their comments and suggestions back about what worked and didn’t work for them… then RE-WRITE the book…
2) Learn the foreplay techniques, sex tips, female orgasm techniques, oral sex tips, female ejaculation techniques, and secrets of completely blowing a woman’s mind directly from someone who has ALREADY discovered them… and start driving women wild right away…for about forty-something bucks.
If option #2 sounds good to you, I have some FANTASTIC news for you…
I’ve finally put all of the secrets that I have learned across 15 years (and hundreds of hours of research and testing) —EVERYTHING I KNOW— into a candid, tell-all manual that will take ANY guy to complete mastery in the bedroom in the fastest amount of time humanly possible…
Because the methods, ideas, and philosophies in this book are different than any of the other “how to” manuals out there, and really COMPLETELY different from the way most men think about sex…
Here are just a few of the amazing tips, techniques, and secrets you will find inside…
- The reason why I have been able to give so MANY women their very FIRST orgasm… or helped them experience their first orgasm with a man… and how YOU can do the same (This one took me many years to figure out… but I can teach it to you in just a few minutes)
- How to easily identify what turns YOUR woman on… and what gets her off while you are “in the moment”… without having to ask… (Use this and she’ll think you’re a “sexual psychic” who knows EXACTLY how to please her like no other man can)
- What to do when the woman you are with thinks she CAN’T have an orgasm with a man… or has never had an orgasm at all (I can’t even begin to tell you how HOOKED on you she’ll be after you’re the first one to do it…)
- My should-be-patented 6-step method for giving ANY woman an orgasm… GUARANTEED (Men would KILL for this if they knew how powerful and effective it really is… and YOU are about to find out…)
- A dangerous mistake men make when touching a woman’s clitoris that ruins her sexual pleasure and can make it IMPOSSIBLE for her to have an orgasm
- An almost “too easy” way to DOUBLE the intensity of a woman’s orgasm that doesn’t require ANY special techniques or skills… and works with women of all levels of sexual experience
- 5 little-known “hot spots” on a woman that get her turned on when you touch them (The best part is that these spots are “PG” rated… so you can start turning her on before you ever get to the bedroom)
How To Rock Her World Regardless Of Your “Size,” Stamina, Or Previous Bedroom Experience…
Your Size…
- NEWFLASH: Size does matter… But not at all the way you think. One of the most important things I’m going to share with you is how to completely satisfy a woman even if you are BELOW-AVERAGE in size (If you fall into this category, this one tip will change your life forever… and you’re CRAZY not to get this book just to learn this one thing.)
- The “size” that women PREFER (What they say they want and what they actuallywant are 2 different things… this one will surprise you)
- Why some women brag to their friends about a guy even though he is “smaller” – and how you can join this group of guys– and make her feel like you were custom-designed by nature as the perfect size for her!
Your Stamina…
- How long the average man REALLY lasts… and more importantly… how long YOU need to last in order to BLOW HER MIND (It’s not as long as you think, and in fact… the amount of time most men THINK women want them to last would make her SORE, frustrated, and insecure that she can’t get you off)
- An incredibly simple yet little-known secret that allows you to last literally as long as YOU want… (Again, be careful not to go overboard and go too long with this one for the reasons I mentioned above…)
- What to say if and when you ever experience premature ejaculation to actually make her feel GREAT about it… and looking forward to your next encounter.
But even better than that… I’ll also show you…
- How to cure your premature ejaculation FOREVER… guaranteed (A few of my buddies told me I should make this secret into it’s OWN book because it works so well… but I had to include it here because this is so important)
- A breathing technique taken from meditation that allows you to delay your orgasm while still allowing you to ENJOY the sex (Thinking about baseball statistics might take your mind away and allow you to last longer, but it also kills the fun and make her feel like you are “disconnected”. Use this technique to last longer AND enjoymore pleasure at the same time. The best part is that you can learn this in 2 minutes and start using it TONIGHT)
- The truth about desensitizing “creams” – when to use them… and the one time you should NEVER use them
Your Performance…
- Eliminating “performance anxiety” from your sex life forever is actually simple when you know what causes it. Unfortunately most men don’t. I’ll show you exactly what brings it on, and what you need to do to make it a thing of the past (You’ll be kicking yourself for not knowing this one sooner)
- What to do before you even get into bed to ensure you perform like a ROCKSTAR
- The sentence to say to a woman when performance anxiety DOES occur that puts her at ease and removes all awkwardness from the situation (Saying these words when it happens allows you to RELAX… which actually “tricks your brain” into sending your “equipment” into gear)
- The truth about Viagra and other performance enhancing pills (I’ve tried them all…and in this book I’ll reveal to you the real truth about which are scams and which ones actually work)
How To Massage Her Mind And Get Her Excited And CRAZY For You Before The Foreplay…
- The 3 things you must do OUTSIDE of the bedroom in your relationship if you want to keep things hot and heavy inside of the bedroom (Do just these 3 things and SHE’LL be the one tearing YOUR clothes off)
- Ultimate pre foreplay tip… The simple thing you can do with your EYES that sparks feelings of intimacy and passion in your woman
- The 2 things that make a man SEXY to a woman (Display just these 2 traits and women will become aroused when they’re around you… even if you’re NOT the physical “type” they usually go for)
- A simple psychological trick that makes your woman twice as likely to reach female orgasm when she is with you… and experience it in half the amount of time (You don’t need any “stamina” when you know this…)
- A question to ask a woman when you are making love that creates an intense feeling of intimacy and connection… to the point where she will actually brag to her friendsabout how great the two of you are together
- How to spark new feelings of FIERY PASSION in a relationship that’s gotten a little “stale”… practically overnight (Use this to actually increase the passion in your relationship as it matures)
Little-Known “Secret Spots” That Drive Her Wild…
- Did you know that a woman’s clitoris actually changes position at certain times of arousal? This is a BIG reason why many men NEVER give a woman an orgasm… but don’t worry – I’ll show you exactly what to do to zero in on it and amaze her every time
- Why most guys completely miss her mysterious “G spot” … even AFTER they learn the “common” methods of how to find it (The problem is they go for it TOO SOON. I’ll show you exactly WHEN to go for it, and how to stimulate her in a way that no man has done before. The good news is you can do this with almost any woman when you know this secret)
- An extremely sensitive and pleasurable area for a woman that no “doctor” will ever tell you about (You can only learn about this one from experience)
Women Who Have Difficulty Reaching Orgasm Or Have Never Had An Orgasm…
- Have you ever been on top of a girl for what seems like ages, changing positions, going for some kind of aerobic record… and she’s moaning away, enjoying it… but no matter how long you go, she just doesn’t seem to be able to get all the way “there?” There’s an easy female orgasm technique that completely solves this one which took me a long time to figure out. I can’t wait to share it with you…
- What to do when she can only have an orgasm through oral sex, but not intercourse – This was another one that wasn’t easy for me to conquer… but after 15 years I’ve discovered 4 special intercourse positions that are practically guaranteed to take her over the top
- A way to spice up any sex positions and DOUBLE the stimulation (Using this is almost like “cheating”… because it makes the guys she’s been with before you look like clumsy teenagers)
- What to do when a woman can only have an orgasm with a vibrator – here’s how to break this habit and get her addicted to YOU instead
- My exclusive “G Star” sex positions – A special twist on that other well-known sex position that hits the g spot dead on and practically FORCES a woman to have the best orgasm of her life… (This one actually works even better for guys that are a bit “smaller”)
The Next Level Of Sexual Ecstasy…
Oral Sex Tips…
- How to give her an orgasm that is MORE INTENSE than even she thinks she can handle – Use this special oral sex techniques to take her BEYOND her limits and over the edge…
- The one thing that is guaranteed to get women to MAKE FUN OF a man is a guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing when he’s “down there”. But they also BRAG about the guys that are great at giving oral sex. I give you all the oral sex tips to be in the second category!
- Secret foreplay tips to build the “sexual tension” BEFORE the act and get her begging you to go down on her (This is a major key to getting her to enjoy herself– she will work herself into a FRENZY for you)
- The easy to read non-verbal signal women give that tells you EXACTLY how much pressure to give and how fast to go (Unfortunately for women, 9 out of 10 guys MISS this sign entirely)
- A secret way to “spice up” her experience using only your body that can make your lips and tongue give her the same feelings she thought she could only get from a VIBRATOR
- How to connect with a woman while you’re “down there” (One of the BIGGEST reasons some women have a hard time enjoying oral sex is because of lack of connection. Here’s how to do it without losing intimacy which allows her to surrender to intense pleasure)
Anal Sex Tips
- If she’s never tried it, I’ll show you how to talk about it, how to build up the fantasy in her mind, and how to get her to experience this with YOU
- What to do if she’s tried it before and DIDN’T enjoy it (You’ll run into this one A LOT… because most guys do it completely wrong. Here’s how to get past her resistance and get her excited about trying it out again)
- The 3 essential things you should always do BEFORE you actually “go for it”
- The one thing you must NEVER do during “backdoor” sex if you want to fully experience this with a woman (Most men make this deadly mistake mid-way through and get stopped in their tracks… even after they have already convinced the woman to try it out)
- Special anal sex foreplay
- A special anal sex position that drives a woman COMPLETELY WILD… in the best way possible (This one produces incredibly intense orgasms… and often leads to female ejaculation… don’t be surprised if she begins to PREFER this over “regular” sex)
“Multiple” and “Stacked” Orgasms…
This can be so powerful that you might consider wearing a helmet, protective gear and strapping on a 4-point safety harness and fire-proof gloves… And ear-plugs to protect you against damaging your ear drums from her screaming are also recommended…
Okay, I’m kidding, but I want to make the point: These female orgasm techniques can be very, very intense… and can quite literally turn your woman into a nymphomaniac who won’t leave you alone.
Use these love making techniques at your own risk… and ONLY with a woman you are comfortable with being intimate with often:
- My secret way to give a woman one orgasm after another after another… until she literally CANNOT take it any more (ALL women have the ability to experience this… but almost NO men know how to show them. Mark my words: She will remember you FOREVER after you do this)
- How to earn a woman’s TRUST – super-intense orgasms make women feel very emotionally vulnerable – if you don’t master this step FIRST you will never get to the step of multiple orgasms. Fortunately it’s easy to get her to completely surrender to you when you do this…
- Orgasmic Timing – How to “tune in” to her body so know EXACTLY how to make her feel whatever YOU want her too, whenever you want… (Use this to take her on up and down “rollercoaster rides” of female orgasms)
- How to get a woman to “bounce back” into climax when she is coming down and extend the LENGTH of her orgasms… prolonging them for as long as she can handle it (Some women can even be trained to have an orgasm the ENTIRE TIME you are making love… and even experience a profound feeling of euphoria long after you’re done…)
- Stacked Orgasms – Even more powerful than multiple orgasms… here’s how to literally STACK her orgasms on top of each other… I’ll show you a technique to use while she is having an orgasm to lift her into a MORE POWERFUL ORGASM… then repeat the process to take her to higher and higher levels of ecstasy. (This will very likely be the most intense thing a woman EVER experiences… Some women might actually PASS OUT in your arms from this female orgasm technique because the pleasure is so intense. It’s safe to say that only one man in million will ever know this one)
Female Ejaculation Techniques…
- No, it’s not pee… the truth and the science behind female ejaculation, what it is, and how to make a woman squirt during orgasm
- Why most women don’t ever experience female ejaculation… and any woman CAN squirt with the right tips and techniques
- We’ll spend an entire chapter showing you my 5-step way to give a woman that elusive super-powerful, squirting orgasm you have heard about, but so few have actually experienced… (You will DEFINITELY have to change the sheets after this one)
- “Trouble-Shooting” tips… if you’ve tried techniques from other books or videos and you are frustrated because they didn’t work for you. There are a few common problems that, once solved, can easily help you cross over to the world of female ejaculation
- How to handle her emotional vulnerability after she experiences this kind of ultra-intense orgasm for the first time (She will be VERY sensitive after this profound experience, and it’s important that you know how to help her handle these powerful emotions)
How To Turn Her On With Your Words…
- Some women say the words spoken while making love is their single biggest sexual turn on… How to find out if she likes “dirty talk” or “seductive whispering”… what kind of talk turns her on
- How to get over your own shyness or resistance that might be holding you back from a giving a woman the ULTIMATE bedroom experience
- The very FIRST thing you must say to a woman in bed if you want her to please YOU in the ways you want
- The one thing you must NEVER say to a woman in bed… if you want to see her again (Saying this shows you have a lack of sexual confidence and manliness)
- My exact, word-for-word lines you can “steal” and repeat (It’s taken me a long time to figure out these “work every time” lines to drive women wild… so make good use of them)
- How to get her to reveal her biggest turn-ons to you BEFORE you ever get in the bedroom (Use this one to spice up any evening by getting her fantasizing about you before you get home)
Your WILDEST Fantasies Brought To Life…
As you can see, this book is JAM PACKED with my very best secrets, sex tips, female orgasm techniques, foreplay techniques, secret sex positions, tantric sex techniques, female ejaculation techniques, and more… things it’s taken me many years to figure out.
But be advised… this book is much more than a “how to” manual… it’s an entirely different way of looking at how to be great in bed…
Even better… this is the BRAND NEW SECOND EDITION of Revolutionary Sex, and it includes brand new, never before seen material, including some “trouble shooting” tips on female ejaculation, one of the subjects that a lot of couples have been writing to me about.
The best part is that you don’t have to drive to the store or wait for the book to arrive in the mail. You can download it to your computer right now for only $99.00
I have sold my eBook for the past year without ANY bonuses… and had MANY happy customers. But if you order now for only $99.00 I’m going to include an incredibly valuable offer…
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