Get My “Next Generation” Teaching From My July 30th and 31st London, UK Live 3-Day Seminar, And Learn The Lazy Man’s Way To Getting Laid, So Quickly And Easily, You’ll Think “God Damn, That Ross Jeffries Is A Genius!”

This Ludicrously Luscious, Get-It-Before-It-Gets-Ghost Opportunity Ends Soon, So Stop Dilly-Dallying And Keep Reading!

~ Ross Jeffries ~

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans,

Before I show you how to instantly (as in, within about 56 f@@king SECONDS from the moment you say “Yes, Ross”) get your hands on the London seminar footage and start immersing yourself in less time than it would take you to pour a cup of tea, let me explain why……

……You Must, Must – And I’m Saying MUST – Grab This Opportunity While You Can.

Listen: as I move this business more toward my deeper passion – me working exclusively with a select few high-level private coaching clients and a lot more one-on-one work (in person and on Skype) helping students solve specific problems in real time – I simply need to change tack.

So, that being the case, I’ve decided to make my Speed Seduction® New Code system even simpler, and I premiered this “simplicity” model at this London event.

Now That I’ve Got That Off My Chest, Let’s Cut To The Damned Chase:

All the above being said, if you missed the London Speed Seduction® seminar we just finished…

I Only Feel A LITTLE Sorry For You!

Here is why:

Yes, it’s true.  In London I was on fire (like always)…

  • Doing some of my most awesome change work with students;

  • Demonstrating word-for-word language patterns that get women soaking in minutes (complete with showing you tonality, body language, etc. that make the patterns work);

  • Bringing you awesome, brand-new “Ross Plays With Girls” demos that you all love;

  • And much, much more!

Several students who were there who had attended previous seminars, said it was the best one they’ve ever attended.

And now, guess what?

RIGHT F@@KING NOW, the complete footage is ready for you to view in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

We just uploaded the footage to a special “members only site” where it is available for immediate viewing, yours to keep and enjoy.

Hayley Quinn- The First Person In 15 Years Of Searching That I Finally KNOW Is Worthy To Teach My Students, Again Graced The Stage With Me In London!

Hayley will show you her own unique take on meeting and seducing women – as a bi-sexual woman, she’s got plenty of experience and insight into female sexuality and psychology that I just don’t and won’t ever have (because I’m a guy).

Here is some of what you’ll gain from her:

  • The Real Way To Make A Woman Incredibly Attracted To You By Understanding “The Matrix” Of Female Attraction

  • Use Hayley’s Exclusive Blueprint For Deep Connection To Make Her Realise She’s Never Met A Man Like You Before

  • Become A Man She Is Magnetised By – No Matter What You Look Like

  • Let Your Non-Verbal Cues Do The Talking And Turn Her On Without You Saying A Word

  • And Much, Much More In Hayley’s Highly Interactive Presentation (You Got A Taste In The Videos Above)

“Ok Ross, You’ve Got Me Hot On It… So What’s The Deal/Scoop/Offer So I Can Get My Hands On This SUPER Trance-Formational Learning Now?”

Well, I’m delighted you asked.

Because, by now I’m sure you realize that this program contains the gold keys for even greater Speed Seduction® mastery than you’ve known up until now, I could EASILY charge ten thousand dollars for this program (in other words, the going rate for my private 1:1 weekends in San Diego).

The life-changing and life-saving methods here – the culmination of 28 years of discovery – are more than worth it!

But I want to get this straight into the hands of as many guys as I can, and I’m sure by now, I don’t have to tell you what they are.

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