Here It Is — My Entire Inner Game Breakdown

As awesome as this will be for you guys, I can say with complete sincerity this will be the most raw, emotional side of me that you will ever see. I am basically addressing everybody’s inner hell. The true pains, the true heartbreaks and really going at what really makes up your personality and the things that stop you from being the absolute best version of yourself with women.
This is the kind of presentation that you will need to listen to OVER and OVER again because in reality this is more of a process of de-learning. My complete goal is actually to remove many of the bad habits, wrong impressions/ideas that you have learned on this journey in pickup, alongside allowing you to express yourself truly the way you want in a way that only adds to the fun anywhere you go.

My name’s Alex,
I am the owner of AlexSocial and I have been teaching men all around the world in EVERY single continent for about 10 YEARS. The experiences I have are unique in the sense that at this point, it is almost impossible for me not to have worked with every single type of inner or outer issue guys have gone through.
Like most of you, I of course was never the person I am today without having gone through this incredible journey. I was actually complete shit with women, had ZERO friends and literally was in a very dark place through my teens and early 20’s. Usually everyone in college or in their early 20’s age has a 21st birthday and invites a ton of people, even people that they really aren’t great friends.
Well I never got invited to ONE back then…. not even one 21st birthday. This alongside severe depression and never getting a girl I truly liked was the moment I realized things needed to change.
What YOU want is to be able to go up to your ideal beautiful girl and be able to just meet her and give her best impression of you.
Typical reality for 99% of men today that roll up to that “10”: They simply want to approach or be around this amazing girl to PROVE something to themselves, not to truly offer her something she can’t get from every other guy or herself..
That is where everyone has it all wrong. This isn’t because they aren’t smart, or any of the typical assumptions you might hear. It all comes down to one simple word that affects EVERYTHING.
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    Look, truth is you are incredibly afraid. Everyone has gone through at least one moment where you thought all you needed was that one exterior thing and it’s going to “change everything”.
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    You can have the best “lines”, incredible lookings cars, the coolest clothes… Yet still feel like that 13 year old nerdy self you were the moment a girl that WOW’s you grabs your attention.
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    I work with very wealthy guys all the time where this is so common, it’s incredible.
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    My entire focus in this program is to eliminate every SINGLE self-defeating limiting belief that you have. It does not matter whether it’s height, weight, race or past experiences… You will get over ALL of it.
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    This is a program for life. I don’t want you to just go through it and listen to it once, I want you listening to it over and over again. You will look back at at yourself one day and it will seem almost impossible the thought patterns you had, the reality of what you saw.
Here are some things you can look forward to:

Inner game is not what most people in the community assume it or what it generally is stereotyped as. You unconsciously project who you are on women that you talk too and this is something you can’t control.

I’m not talking about when you’re actively talking, paying attention to everything you are saying, I’m talking about the subtle moments where you start to rift, this is where women get a hint of the real you. This is where most people especially those with high social skills will judge you on. It is in these non-restricted moments that you realize who a person really is because it’s completely different when they don’t know they are actively being watched or listened too.
Women love leaders because they are naturally attractive by just being themselves. They don’t actively attempt to be it, they just are. They radiate confidence and don’t get easily shaken with outside criticism. You must be willing to have the inner foundation to know exactly who you are, what you want and focus on achieving this goal, regardless if it’s women or multiple aspirations of things in your life.
This isn’t just a program for getting better at “Inner Game”. This is a program for being able to present yourself in hard, high pressure situations and do extremely well to the point that it will change your ENTIRE life.
Maybe you don’t want to be a leader that’s fine — but at least now, you will have the choice.

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