Cheer Everybody Up, Be The Life of Every Party, And Turn Bad Moods Into Rapturous Reasons To Laugh Out Loud

Every loves a sense of humor.

Girls say it’s an important criteria for love.

Most ladies even say, if he can make he laugh, he’s got a chance.

It’s hard to imagine a popular party guy, a lady slayer or helpful friend that doesn’t have this gift.

To riff on what people say and turn those frowns upside down!

(yeah, lame, I know))

A sense of humor is much, much deeper than simply memorizing a bunch of goofy jokes.

In fact, let’s take a look at that simple phrase:

Sense Of Humor

Humor is those things that make us laugh.

This is something we believe that some people can do, while others try and just suck at it.

But as you’ll learn in this course, humor has a linguistic structure.

One you can learn, one you can practice and one you can improve.

In fact, you’ll learn specifically why humor is one or our most important instincts.

One common response after a tragedy, a personal tragedy or a large scale societal tragedy is to make jokes.

The more stressed out, or worried we get, the more dangerous that becomes.

Anxiety causes stress.

Stress depletes our immune system.

This makes it much easier to die!

So, those can see the bright side while everybody else is weeping in their cheerios will be the HERO.

To allow for a brief, but absolutely necessary release of that built up stress.

Let’s face it, sometimes life utterly sucks.

But we still need to power through those cruddy times and keep on going.

Enter the Humor Instinct.

With a highly functioning humor instinct, you’ll know when how to tweak their emotions to release just the right amount of stress, at just the right time.

This is what that first word means in “sense of humor.”

Of knowing precisely when, and how much, to let loose a few silly lines.

To allow them to laugh at the situation.

Not just to laugh for the sake of laughing.

But to laugh in a way that minimizes the negatives of the situation and maximize the positives.

This requires calibration.

This requires a bit of emotional intelligence.

This requires you be able to read others with linguistic and mental dexterity.

To read between the lines and see some pain they may be hiding.

This is what it means to have a sense of humor.

To have the linguistic ability to reframe statements, leverage ambiguities and make them laugh.

And to know when to do this, who to do this to, and what level of emotions to target.

Think of what it will mean for them to meet somebody like you who can do this.

Their emotions will always be held in a happy place.

You’ll be able to read them, so you’ll know when things are really good or if they’re only pretending.

But much more importantly, those who have a strong sense of humor are also capable of handling unexpected problems.

This is why movie super heroes are always cracking jokes while beating the crap out of the bad guys.

If you can make a joke out of a bad situation, and make everybody else feel better about that bad situation, you’ll BE their hero.

If you can make appropriate jokes during a job interview, this will send them a strong signal.

That you are not only confident, but mentally flexible to maintain that emotional confidence no matter what happens.

If you can be the guy or gal who can cheer everybody with appropriate humor, you’ll always be in demand.

Humor is something people don’t think can be learned.

But humor is based on the structure of language.

Things like structural reframes, phonological and phrase ambiguity, having the right frame of mind, and plenty of others things you’ll learn in this course.

You’ll learn all about the linguistic structure of humor.

So much that you’ll be able to watch videos of your favorite comedians and describe the exact techniques they are using in real time.

You’ll learn how to develop the frame of spontaneity, and daily practice exercises to keep your brain as resourceful as possible.

You’ll learn some insanely simple exercises to help you practice timing, something that, contrary to common belief, is not an inborn trait but something you can learn.

You can learn the powerful frame energy needed to deliver your humor on the best possible way.

If you like, and you practice consistently enough, the training and ideas in this course are all you’ll need to stand up in front of a room of strangers and keep them laughing for hours.

How much money do you think you can make doing that?

How much money do you WANT to make doing that?

And if you don’t like the idea of being a world famous comedian, if you actually DO like your day job, the skills in this course will help you EVERYWHERE.

Your emotional intelligence will skyrocket.

Your lateral thinking skills will go right off the brain charts.

Your ability to take any random complaint and spin around into a silly metaphor that makes everybody laugh will become second nature.

And if you need to, these same linguistic super powers will make it easy to put down any bully so harshly and publicly they’ll dread they day they crossed your path.

Wanna make a guy or gal fall with you?

The two of you can easily laugh your way into bed.

Seven Sections

This course has seven sections.

Each section has a short coaching sessions with the necessary conscious ideas and exercises.

Three, one hour subliminal session to program your deep mind with the structural belief system necessary to make even the angriest strangers laugh and feel glad they met you.

And a powerful, deeply hypnotic guided meditation, a visualization to help cement in and make real the beliefs programmed into your subconscious by the subliminal programming sessions.

Section Descriptions

Social Calibration

Understand why you, (yes you) have a humor instinct built into your brain.

Understand how to use this instinct the way nature intended and make everybody around you as happy as you want.

Why a highly refined set of humor skills are the baseline of a powerful communicator.

The deeper skills of emotional intelligence, and how demonstrating a strong sense of humor will imply this sought after trait.

Linguistic Genius

The nuts and bolts of all playground humor.

Why jokes are funny, but only if we get them.

The two types of ambiguity found in all short riddles and long setup jokes and how to write never before heard jokes.

How to practice so word and phrase reframes become second nature, give you in the moment, silliness superpowers.

Meaning Master

How to reframe deeper, more serious ideas into laugh out loud, more resourceful ways of looking at the world.

The one linguistic reframing technique that is found in all Hollywood blockbuster comedies.

How this one linguistic reframing technique will give you deep access into everybody’s brain, whether they know it or not.

How to develop the skill of interpreting reality any way you wish, and why this will make you the go-to authority people depend on.


The one technique that will allow you to get away with saying anything in any situation, and never, ever get into trouble.

How to look directly into anybody’s eyes and utter the most sexually explicit suggestion without getting slapped.

Why you’ll get all the credit if this technique words, but absolutely none of the blame if it doesn’t.

How to borrow energy, confidence, and even intelligence from your invisible army of imaginary friends, whenever you need it.

Spontaneity Generator

The one skill that will put you head and shoulders above every other wanna be joke telling goof you’ll ever meet.

How to practice this and build up an infinite idea humor matrix in your brain.

How to leverage the fact that most people only use their brains as copying and pasting, or copying and repeating devices.

Why your brain will seem like a magnificent bastion of gloriously unbeatable humor as a result.

Comedy Genius

How to put all these skills together and become the most entertaining party guest they’ve ever imagined.

How to make listening to you riff at parties much, much more interesting than their favorite YouTube comedians.

Why these skills will help you catapult your career in any direction, serious or not.

How to take any brain you find and leave it much better off, quivering with silliness in a pool of pleasure.

Lovable Frame

The deep frame energy to cultivate that will make everything you say incredible engaging and powerful.

How to develop the subconsciously projected energy of helping everybody around you feel better.

Why after you develop this powerfully attractive and congruent frame, people will enjoy standing next to you if you never even utter a single word.

How to develop such a magnetic and lovable reputation, people will be excited to see you, even if they’ve never met you.

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And crush all seriousness and doom energy with your powerfully directed humor instinct, and generate an army of loving followers.

Master Mix

This comes with a powerful master mix.

A combination of all subliminal sessions.

More than 2800 statements to fill your brain with the self confidence, mental and linguistic flexible to make even the angriest crowd double over in laughter.

Combined with the specifically calibrated master mix guided visualization, your brain will be desperate to find unhappy people just for the opportunity to cheer them up and make them fall in love with you.

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And develop the linguistic skills of a walking wizard, capable of capturing the minds and attention of entire crowds.

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And become the center of attention of every party.

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And become a master of human emotions, a destroyer of unhappiness and a mind magician.

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And turn words into secret weapons of bliss that will make anybody you want eager to hang around you.

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And develop a powerfully attractive sense of humor, hand out brain orgasms wherever you go, and joke your way to love, happiness and financial success.

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