The Power Positioning System..
In this email, because you’re VIP Member of Team Capital,
I’m going to reveal a new and “secret language” (recently studied and verified by a team of Harvard researchers)that me and my top clients have been using for years to:
1. Increase our testosterone levels by up to 40%,
without any pills, potions, needles, or supplements..
2. Uncontrollably attract hot girls from a distance..
3. Command Unconscious Respect from men and women
(“unconscious respect” is when people find themselves respecting
and deferring to you automatically, without even knowing why they’re
doing it…and it’s far more powerful than basic “here’s how to get respect” advice)..
The Breakthrough, HarvardPROVEN “Secret Language” That Changed My Life..
This “secret language” isn’t English or Spanish or German..
It’s not ‘PUA’, ‘speed seduction’ or anything like that..
In fact, you won’t have to say anything for it to work
(I have a friend who does just that…guy barely says a word but uses this secret language every afternoon. He has 4 different hot girls he’s sleeping with right now because of it)..
It’s not hard, difficult, or timeconsuming at all.
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