Imagine it…

225+ guys locked in a Vegas ballroom.

Then at one point, mysteriously almost a third of them gets out of their chairs… practically stampede to the back of the room… pull out their credit cards… and pre-order a program worth at least $3000.

Incredibly they did this WITHOUT being pitched. Without being “sold”.

How was this possible, you wonder?

No, I didn’t trick them. I didn’t hypnotize them either.

Over 50 fortunate guys bought an at the time, unreleased program called…

You can use Power Influence with anything and anyone.

Here’s what’s inside Power Influence…

  • The subtle differences you MUST know between game and power influence (skip this part and power influence will backfire)

  • Write this down on a scrap of paper to quickly eliminate all the BS, distractions and things holding you back in your life…

  • The #1 thing that guarantees you will make sh*t happen. Steve Jobs used this to make decisions and exterminate procrastination, the silent success-killer,

  • How Power Authority causes everyone around you to comply with your wishes (NOTE: this can be used for EVIL. Please check-in with your moral compass.)

  • Perception Portals. How to be regarded as stronger, more attractive, more respected and more confident than other guys…

  • How to make a girl feel like you ‘get’ her on a deep, personal level. A level normally only her closest friends ever get to see.

  • The Wrap-around Authority Tactic. The sneaky way I leverage the power of brands, businesses and celebrities for my own gain…

  • The #1 most powerful social trigger to make a girl want to fvck you tonight…

  • The strategy that beats lying and over exaggeration… every single time…

  • The Richard Branson influence effect–spectacle positioning…

  • Master the art of the right moment–how timing can make or break you…

  • 10 different ways to amplify your influence–once you have it (use this to get women to chase you)

  • The science of insinuating yourself into power–how to assume the crown

  • “The Devil is in the Details” strategy to prove yourself

  • 7 ways to build IRRESISTIBLE influence–even when you may not be alpha male in the room or even a reputation…

  • Why learning to use YOUR ENEMIES, can be better than friends…

  • The most powerful source of Power and Influence? Reputation–and how to create it, use it and profit it–all ethically

  • The tactic of always saying less than necessary (and why shy guys get the girls)…

  • Why you should ALWAYS pay for that power lunch…

  • Why power is such A TURN ON to the hotter women…

  • Perceived Value Triggers: how you can steal the secrets of billion dollar companies for your social life, your business, your women…

  • Potatoes of Perception. A mind-blowing lesson in perception from Frederick The Great and… his potato?

  • The REAL genius of Steve Jobs lies in this “agent of influence” (and it’s NOT what you think…)

  • The Likeability Factor: How to make people like you instantly. 10 proven ways to dramatically increase your instant likeability…

  • The Greet And Vacate Method that enhances your attractiveness…

  • How to use your enemies as leverage…

  • How Oprah, Rihanna and Dicaprio became stinkin’ rich by using one strategy against you…

  • High Status: The Next Level

  • The power of the herd mind and how to use it to your advantage (what can we learn from the world’s most dangerous cults?)

  • What Jack Nicholson knows about TV that you don’t (and why it’s destroying your chances of success in any area of your life)…

  • Make women chase YOU: Seductive secrets to embedding one ultra-powerful social signal into your storytelling…

  • How to use Bruce Lee’s “Be Like Water” principle in business…

  • How to amplify desire for you on an sub-emotional level. This works whether it’s the boardroom, the bar or the bedroom…

  • 5 ways to actively challenge someone and get the response you want… without being annoying, demanding or downright bitchy…

  • #1 way to charmingly DISARM anyone (and make a new friend in the process)…

  • What to do when you’re deep in conversation with somebody… yet another guy is bugging you, desperate for your attention…

  • The Cookie Test that allows you to have your pick of the hottest women without needing to worry about competition..

  • What super bowl gamblers can tell us about this ‘Agent of Influence’. (Knowing this alone transforms you into a master persuader)…

  • What to do when a girl doesn’t respond to your text (even when she was begging to give you her number)…

  • How to make the social perception of you so great that all the work, all the persuasion, all the authority is Done For You (I’m talking Social God x 10)…

  • … and that’s not even HALF of what’s covered in the program.

  • There’s 8 packed DVDS of strategies, tactics, applications, ideas, and examples of how to master the art of influence…


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