“It’s not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on.” declared Marilyn Monroe illustrating her wonderful sense of humour. Kevin Costner suggested “Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you’re not good at them.” And let’s not forget Ken Hammond who once remarked “What’s the three words you never want to hear while making love? ‘Honey, I’m home’.”

Most everyone enjoys reading quotes about sex. We delight in reading them because they are so often uncomfortably true. Sex quotes often convey an embedded message that we know to be true but are often afraid or unwilling to utter in public. Without a doubt few things can spice up a conversation about sex or sexuality more than a well-chosen sex quote. Given our affinity for sex quotes, wouldn’t it be great to have the best sex quotes available compiled in a free eBook? Well here it is folks!

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