Access altered states of mind to transform your reality

For the individual in search of activating their mind’s full potential…

Are you looking for the solution to a stubborn challenge or uncertainty?

A way to more quickly manifest a personal or professional goal?

Or perhaps you crave greater alignment with your most authentic purpose and potential?

You may have been told that the answers you seek are waiting inside you. But how exactly do you access them?

The answer, as you’re about to discover, is in accessing altered states of consciousness that everyone is born with – but few know how to access at will.

This priceless skill is what you gain through The Silva Method: one of the most acclaimed, enduring, and scientifically proven approaches to mind empowerment on the planet.

Unleash Your Mind With The Silva Ultramind System

The Silva Ultramind System is a highly optimized framework for awakening your mind’s fullest potential.

It is based on The Silva Method: a pioneering mind empowerment methodology founded in 1960 by Texan radio engineer Jose Silva, with over 6+ million students in 110 countries.

Through an easy-to-follow process, you gain an instinctive understanding of the four primary states of consciousness the human mind operates in – and how to use each one to perform, evolve, and live at your peak:

  1. THE BETA LEVEL – Your default level of consciousness when you’re awake and alert.

  2. THE ALPHA LEVEL – A calm and receptive state experienced during relaxation and light sleep. The optimal state for learning, growth, and self-awareness.

  3. THE THETA LEVEL – The state of meditation and deep sleep. Enables enhanced introspection, self-hypnosis, mind-body healing, and more.

  4. THE DELTA LEVEL – The deepest state of unconsciousness and dreamless sleep.

After decades of rigorous case studies and research, The Silva Method has found that the Alpha and Theta levels of consciousness play the biggest roles in a person’s self-evolution.

This observation is confirmed by countless peer-reviewed studies: including studies on indigenous communities that harness this ‘polyphasic’ understanding of consciousness to awaken abilities unknown to the average person.

The Silva Ultramind System gives you the tools to access these abilities at will – so using them to transform your life becomes as easy and natural as breathing.

Your Trainers

José Silva, Founder Of The Silva Method

Vishen Lakhiani, Silva Instructor & Founder Of Mindvalley

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