You will believe: We all have created an identity throughout our life. In many cases the identity was given to us by our parents, friends and society. It was build on certain values and believes with which we don’t necessarily agree and which we can’t seem to get rid off. Know, that the solution to your curse is finally here. You can be whoever you want, it is your choice. All you need to do is break your chains and set yourself free. This is the gift that Arash Zepar Dibazar will give you in “Déjà vu“. It is the gift of a new chance, a new beginning. Standard content: Is it true? When was the last time, that you stopped yourself from pursuing a goal, due to lack of self confidence? Do you remember the thoughts that you had at this moment? Do you remember the fears that came up? How did they affect you? Ask yourself: Was this the first time that you found yourself in this situation? How would it be like if you had a solution for this mental disease? Imagine: What would it be like if you were totally certain of who you are and made decisions with total confidence. What would you do to have a tool for this problem, ready to be used by you? In this lecture you will learn: 1. What is the ego and how will knowing this empower you? 2. Did the ego help you in the past? 3. Learn a powerful language pattern, that will help you to express your anger without disrespecting the people around you. 4. A very big mistake people make when being in a state of anxiety The wisest man of his time: All of us have been in situations in which failure was not an option. Yes, it never should be, but sometimes failure might bring an unbearable loss with it, be it a financial or personal. We put an intense amount of pressure on ourselve and don’t want to fail, no matter what. Unfortunately this very attitude is what will bring us down at the end. Let it be known, that we are not the first ones who have to deal with this issue. More than a thousand years ago a very famous philosopher, who was known as the wisest man of his time, found a solution to this question: “How do I get rid of the pressure that I feel, when approaching a very important task?“ Arash Zepar Dibazar will teach you: 1. How are we putting a lot of pressure on ourselves while talking to women, doing business and other things? What is the solution? 2. Your identity is destroying your chances of winning. Learn the reason for this and you will become more successful in life. 3. Do you have an idea of who the man mentioned in the title might be? 4. We won’t accomplish our goal, because of a very profound misunderstanding in our approach to a challenge. Get rid of it and watch how you will loosen up. 5. What are the 2 steps you need to take, to become the best at what you do? The gift of choice: Death is what awaits everyone of us. Nobody can flee from it and therefore we all have to ask ourselves: What will I leave behind? Take a moment and ask yourself: “What will people remember about me and how can I influence their perception?“ In this lecture Arash Zepar Dibazar will teach you how you can use the idea of death to restructure the way your mind processes thoughts. Learn: 1. What are our actions based on and how will knowing this improve our life? 2. Are you in control of your thoughts? 3. Why do we have anxiety? Do animals share this feeling with us? 4. A very important lesson from the animals, that will improve the quality of our relationships. This lecture is part of Arash Zepar Dibazar’s staff meeting in the seductive instinct office. Look forward to receive his most powerful teachings. So be it: What is reality? This question has puzzled scientists and philosopher for centuries and still they can’t seem to find an answer. What you give as an answer to this question will at the end determine how you approach life, how you deal with the people around you and most imprtant, how you will view yourself. In this lecture Arash Zepar Dibazar will reveal to you, what was hidden for centuries. Come closer and discover secrets that will completly alter your life: 1. How should you handle any obstacle, that is thrown at you? 2. What ist he algorithm that will allow you to rewrite the code of reality? 3. Learn the 6 steps that will help you to reframe any situation you find yourself in. Apply this and you will never have to feel helpless again. Is it your business? At this point we won’t share the content with you, for the knowledge in this lecture is too powerful. The only way to access it, is by purchasing the product. Premium content: Natural laws: Every being that exists is to some degree bound to the natural laws that govern the world we live in. If we study and apply them, we will get an advantage over every other person that fails to do so and insists on staying ignorant. Come closer and you will understand the language of god: 1. The difference between helping a weak person and helping a strong person 2. How does nature treat weakness? 3. How do power and weakness relate to each other and how can you apply this law right away in your life, to become stronger? 4. A lot of times people attack you for being confident and beautiful. Learn how to respond in a way that will leave them speechless. 5. Women challenge you constantly because you give them the signals to do so. Stop doing this and you will be surprised about the result. The beauty of your art: All of us are artists and the world is our stage. We all play different roles and our communication is the brush that we use to draw our paintings. Do you know how to use this tool? Join Arash Zepar Dibazar, as he helps you to express yourself the way that suits you the most. Learn: 1. What role does your voice play, when creating emotions in other people? 2. Do you feel unappreciated? Here is a formula you can use right away to change this condition. 3. Look out for this mistake when creating effects on the outside, it will fuck up your mind. 4. Are you acting, so that your audience likes you? Start rethinking that. 5. What role do your emotions play in the delivery? 6. What ist he relationship between intimacy and sex. How has this concept been fucked up and used against you? Once you make the payment, you’ll get online access to the video lectures. May you never be the same again.
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