“Your Wish is Granted”

This is An Innovative and Fascinating Way to Harness the Hidden Secrets of the Law of Attraction with the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Get What You Want Out of Life!

This law of attraction eBook + Audio mp3 package comes in a downloadable package.

What Do You Want to Attract?

+  More Money

+  Attract Love and Success

+  Manifest a Job, a Car, a New Home

+  Increase Your Sex Appeal

+  Become a Luck Magnet

The Genie Within Deluxe shows you how to acquire your own “magical” genie lamp and use it to make your hopes come true. The real magic, of course, comes from your mind.

The Genie is a symbol for your subconscious mind — the part of you that possesses great power to change your life and draw success to you using the Law of Attraction and self-hypnosis technique.

The ebook guides you to use the power of your imagination to evoke your Genie and command it to manifest your sincerest wishes. By following its 10 Steps of Wishmaking, there is virtually no limit to the kinds of desires your mind can fulfill.

The audio narration with music (called the Guided Wishmaking Session) will put you in the right frame of mind.

Table of Contents


Laws of Attraction and Manifestation

The Power of Symbols: What Makes a Genie  Lamp


Magic Lamp Quest

Where to Search for Your Lamp

Using Your Lamp for the First Time

Treating Your Lamp as Special

Your Inner Genie

The Magic of Make-Believe

Personalize Your Genie

Respect Your Genie

Guidelines for Wish-Making

What to Wish For

What NOT to Wish For

10 Steps of Wish-Making

Guided Wish-Making Sessions

Honoring the Wish

Reaffirming Your Wish

When and How to Expect Results

What if Your Wish Doesn’t Come True

How Often to Make Wishes

Best Time of Day to Evoke Your Genie

Frequently Asked Questions

Keeping Track of Your Wishes

About the Authors

Bonuses Included:

1 – Six ways to supercharge your genie

2 – The Anatomy of Wishes

3 – Aladdin and His Magical Lamp (story)

4 – The Kybalion

Use Your Genie to Attract

+  Money and prosperity – You can ask to receive more to enjoy life more.

+  Material things – Wish things that you would like to acquire, such as a new television, a car or a home.

+  Vacations and travel – Want to travel somewhere, but you can’t afford it? Just wish for it.

+  A new job – Dissatisfied with your occupation or career? Wish for a new or better one.

+  Love and friendship – You don’t have to be lonely! Your Genie can put you in touch with the right people. Wish for that the perfect mate, partner or friend.

+  Sex appeal – Sex appeal is not just about looks. Wish to enhance your sexual allure or prowess.

+  Beauty or handsomeness – Request to make yourself more attractive.

+  Confidence -W ish to become bold, assertive and confident at work or in social situations.

+  Physical and mental wellness – Ask to overcome your mind/body challenges.

+  Good luck – Need better luck in contests, games or sports? Ask. Although the ebook and audio program is a lot of fun, it’s not a novelty.

Created by two clinical hypnotherapists, the program utilizes proven manifestation, hypnotherapy and applied psychology principles which come from classic and modern research. It’s a tool to help you focus your mind’s natural seemingly “magical” abilities.

The main ebook package includes a 64-page instruction ebook, and an original audio-music narrative called  The Guided Wish-Making Session which lets you focus your natural power to manifest reality. And don’t forget the four bonuses.

There’s never been a more intriguing, imaginative way to use the Law of Attraction and auto-suggestion!

Free Bonuses:

BONUS #1 – Six Ways to Supercharge Your Genie This e-article quickly reveals 6 powerful and easy ways to intensify your wish-making sessions. Utilize any or combine several to build a stronger rapport with your Inner Genie (your subconscious) to make your wishes come true!

BONUS #2 -The Anatomy of Wishes: Or How to Make Affirmations Powerful The wishes you ask for require belief and strength to materialize. This short e-article takes the current research about affirmations and gives the best tips so you can make them more powerful and real. A great addition.

BONUS #3 -“Aladdin and His Magical Lamp” story.  To get yourself in the mood, we’ve included an evocative story told in the style of Ancient Persia. We’ve formatted/designed it for easy reading.

BONUS #4 -The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy.  This powerful volume is a study of the timeless metaphysical truths of Ancient Egypt and Greece. This ebook explains the seven principles of Hermetic Philosophy in plain language and will give you a solid understanding of how the Laws of Manifestation work. Every serious student of the Law of Attraction needs this classic!

Genie Within DELUXE includes:

+ printable 64-page .pdf ebook

+ guided wishmaking audio mp3

+ 4 bonus gifts (pdfs)

+ PLUS two audio (mp3) manuals

(85+ minutes of audio total) created by the author to explain how to make the most of the power of the Genie Within!


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