It’s THE training event to attend if you want to have the unique skills

and the lifelong ability to ALWAYS BE ABLE TO…

Influence the Influencers…

So You Can Get Rewarded Properly For Your TRUE

Worth & Contribution…

You Will REFLEXIVELY KNOW How To Use Conversational Hypnosis “On The Street” As It Were, Where There Are

No Predetermined Rules And Anything Can Happen

You get the best-of-the-best of “both worlds.”

That said, here are just a few of the more specific things you will learn and “internalize” by  the  Conversational Hypnosis Mastery Certification Live Training Programs:

  • How to turn conversational hypnosis into an automatic skill

  • How to plant potent suggestions in someone’s mind without detection

  • Secrets to rapidly hypnotizing people while they are fully awake

  • How to load your conversations with “reference experiences” that produce a hypnotic trance-like effect in the person you are talking to

  • Language softeners that relax a person’s critical factor so they become openly receptive to everything you have to say

  • The “building-block” structure of effective hypnotic communication

  • How to instantly tell if you’re actually having a hypnotic effect on someone you’re talking to (this is important for getting real-time “feedback” and knowing where you can lead the conversation)

  • The concept of “cementing” and how it makes it easy to tell what others are thinking (especially when they are saying something else!)

  • How to create experiences for someone they’ve never had before (some hypnotists call this creating “future memories”. Either way, it puts you in control of the images inside the head of the person you are talking to)

  • How to harness the power of universal human experiences to begin hypnotic conversations

  • How to pace an interaction and lead people to the result you want

  • How to change someone’s normal perceptive-reality… so you can hypnotize them faster

  • How to separate a person’s mind from their body through conversational trance

  • Covert hypnotic themes that work like magic in everyday conversations

  • How to prime the unconscious mind for a specific response

  • Why conversational hypnosis is NOT all about the language and what really makes it work to the MAX

  • How to find the “magic moments” in a person’s responses and how to leverage them to shift a conversation into a hypnotic event

  • An unusual but effective way to land all the hypnosis clients you want

You may not want any hypnosis clients.

You may not even be a practicing hypnotist or hypnotherapist.

That’s okay.


But, You Will Be Able To Use This “Evergreen” Secret To Get The Job Done!

You’ll also get…

  • The secret behind the most effective formula for agreement and influence

  • The five realities driving our life and how to influence people on any one of these levels

  • How to combine the “PACT Formula” with the “Dream Machine” to overcome any and every objection put to you

  • How to give people “hypnotic gifts” that improve their life and get you remembered fondly by them… for many, many years to come (excellent for using on people who you know you’re going to bump into again at some point – at which time their fond memory of your hypnotic gift will make them feel they want to “repay a favour”!)

On top of that, I will also reveal…

  • How to change someone’s internal mental frame before they make a decision

Think you might be able to benefit from knowing that secret?

If you only got one thing out of the training then just knowing how to control someone’s mental frame would make the entire experience worth it for you.

But you won’t just learn how to control someone’s mental frame.

You’ll Also Learn & “Internalize”…

  • How to set up a pre-frame that lets you control another person’s expectations

  • How to apply re-framing tactics that dissolve objections

  • How to uncover the specific values a person feels are important to them… and how to attach your suggestions to those values

  • 2 ways to smoothly “take over” any conversation and turn it hypnotic (this comes in especially handy when you’re talking with a belligerent boss or someone who talks a-mile-a-minute and never comes up for “air”!)

  • How to enter the conversation in someone’s mind and take over their reality (super simple as you will see at the training!)

  • How to train your unconscious to provide you with “on-the-spot” hypnotic story material for you

  • The secret of allowing your hypnotic influence to flow naturally through you – without you ever having to think about techniques

  • How to pepper your conversations with symbolic language that “reaches directly into” another person’s unconscious mind and emotions

  • How to establish a congruent theme between how you feel and what you say

  • Why “squeezed” words and stories can turn you into a master hypnotic influencer

  • How to set and maintain the right mood for a hypnotic conversation

  • The NLP concept of “chunking” and how it helps you get your points across in conversation

  • How to “breathe life” into your metaphors and analogies and make them as invisiblyinfluential as possible

  • An explanation of the 7 hypnotic “super stories” of influence

  • How to become a skillful hypnotic storyteller, regardless of the subject

  • How to find the “break” in a story sequence that turns it into a hypnotic interaction

  • A complete explanation of how to weave plot lines into hypnotic stories

You know, even though it is called the Conversational Hypnosis Mastery Certification Live Training Program, a BIG component of the training program is on hypnotic storytelling.

So if hypnotic storytelling appeals to you in any way – you’ll also get a world-class education at how to be a hypnotic storyteller at the training.

In fact, some people who went on previous Conversational Hypnosis Mastery Certification Live Training Programs report that it was the hypnotic storytelling elements of the training…

That Has Given Them A “3D-Like-Effect” To

Their Conversational Hypnosis Skills

It will do the same for you!

You’ll also get to learn and “internalize”…

  • What the unconscious mind responds to automatically

  • How to get indirect permission from someone to have a hypnotic conversation with them

  • How to get to the point where the techniques you learn come out naturally without any thought on your part

  • A powerful strategy for changing others (as well as yourself) for the better

  • How to “put the brakes” on the conscious mind in another person so it stops critically analyzing and allows for your hypnotic suggestions to seep in

  • The exact mental and emotional process you must go through before attempting to influence another person

  • How to get the exact hypnotic result or response you want every time

  • The right way to preset embedded commands so a person’s unconscious accepts them without resistance

  • The KEY that drives all of your hypnotic skills sets

  • How to structure “nested loop” stories that peak curiosity and keep people hooked until they’re completely hypnotized

  • How to use your unconscious mind to pick up on someone’s problems and help them find the right solution

  • How to consistently hypnotize people by “forgetting” about techniques and formulas

  • And…

Practical Ways To Apply ALL The Training

Out In The Real World So You Get

Real-Life Results… FAST


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  1. Hello Awesome Team!

    I am trying to download this Product. However, all the Download Links seem to have been deleted.

    Can anyone please re-upload the Course to Google Drive?

    Thanks In Advance For Your Time!

    – AshtavakraGeeta

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