The Jason Capital Celebrity Series
Well, this next step is about flipping that switch, that Millionaire Switch I talked about earlier. You see, once you suspend disbelief, Ive discovered the Millionaire Switch allows you to almost effortlessly do so much more. Flip the Millionaire Switch and… Youll look forward to the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone… Youll be able to quit trying harder to get what you want… You ignore slow, painstaking conventional approaches, opting for the wildly unconventional… If they take everything from you the money, houses, boats, islands, whatever you can get it all back. Why? Because they cant take your mindset from you… You truly live the creed That which does not kill me, I use to my advantage… Youll never have to interview for a job if you dont want to throw a rock in any direction, and thats where opportunity lies waiting for you… In a weird way, flipping The Millionaire Switch gives you a kind of mental status. You feel impervious to whatever life throws at you. Previous problems seem insignificant… I want to be clear about something: Flipping The Millionaire Switch is NOT just about turning lemons into lemonade. Its far more than just that. Kobe Bryant nailed it like a 3-point jumper when he said, Everything negative pressure, challenges is all an opportunity for me to rise. The Millionaire Switch is about taking the stuff of YOUR life and turning it into a large or small financial fortune… Look at the biographies of Steve Jobs, Robert Downey Jr. and 50 Cent for clues. These guys started with nothing, even less than nothing… and parlayed it into Fame and Financial Fortune They changed the world in the process. Against all odds, they put their mark on it. I did it, too. Tens of thousands of guys attest to it. Now, follow my lead and you can do it, too. Its extremely freeing once you know how. However, to launch yourself, to catapult yourself, youre going to have to execute the third step. Youre going to have to… Change your personal rules, standards and belief about success… IGNORE conventional approaches… Think BEYOND what common sense would allow (Look at what Elon Musk is doingincredible!)… Choose a different set of risks and rewards (Just model Kanye West who turned his back on record labels)… Focus on the ends rather than the means… Trust in the power of going for what you want, KNOWING with all your mind, heart and soul youll achieve it… And instead of looking around you for opportunity, youll start feeling at ease looking inside yourself for the next big thing… So now that Ive shared with you what this method can do, let me show you THE HOW… HOW to intentionally make it happen in YOUR life starting today.
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