Silva UltraMind ESP System
“Welcome to the second phase of Human Evolution”
Would you like to be healthier? Empower your intiution and sixth sense? Have more fulfilling relationships? Enjoy greater abundance and prosperity? Enjoy life more, and make better decisions?
If you have a desire to expand your potential as a human being, and if you want to have a stronger impact on the world around you, then please continue reading.
In 1966 the world was not ready for a full-scale ESP course. All they could accept was a little taste of it, and that’s what we gave them. Now people are ready to start using more of their intuition – their psychic abilities.
With the above in mind Mr Silva developed The Silva UltraMind ESP System just before he died. Jose Silva’s UltraMind ESP System not only shows you how to unlock the incredible powers of your own mind but also how to use them to connect to higher power, therefore obtaining the guidance needed to be successful, healthy, happy, and fulfilling. In this course you will learn a series of specific self-management techniques enabling you to eliminate impediments to your success, thereby empowering you to carry out your life’s mission. While freeing yourself to these impediments, you will develop a specific plan to help carry out instructions received from higher intelligence, your higher power, who can arrange circumstances in your life to provide “coincidences” to guide you, to help you understand and fulfill your mission in life.
• Imagine having a guide who actually knows what lies ahead for you and who can lead you to success, happiness, and fulfillment.
Silva UltraMind ESP System empowers you to do:
To use your God given intuition accurately and reliably.
To connect with higher intelligence who will always guide you in the right direction.
To prosper in business by being able to make better decisions.
To learn a mental video technique (use to better develop ESP).
Concentrate with total focus and clarity.
Find lasting inner peace and much more…
A Silva Home Study Course for developing your ESP 8 CDs
CD1 – Silva Ultramind System & Long relax
CD2 – Developing and Maintaining the Correct Attitude & Short Relax
CD3 – Guidance from Higher Intelligence & The Mental Video technique
CD4 – Removing Impediments to Your Success & The Mental Screens and Three Scene Techniques
CD5 – Interacting with People & Best Time to Program, Mental Rehearsal and Instant Rapport
CD6 – Detecting and Using Psychic Information & Psychometry
CD7 – Coincidence and Advanced Communication Skills & Best Time to Program and Broadcasting
CD8 – Finding Your Purpose in Life by Developing Your Psychic Ability & Enhanced Awareness
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