This four-exercise series is designed to teach you how to program and consciously participate in your own personal dreamscape.
Lucid Dreaming provides a unique opportunity to benefit from states of expanded awareness during times we are not normally conscious. This four-exercise series (on DVD or digital download) is designed to teach you how to program and consciously participate in your own personal dreamscape. Clinical research suggests that focusing on the dream you wish to experience while remembering that you can consciously participate in your dream state can dramatically increase your chance of success. The Lucid Dreaming Series provides a substantial advantage for those interested in lucid dreaming by incorporating the Hemi-Sync® sound technologies.
These exercises were designed to facilitate the brain-wave states found in naturally occurring sleep cycles. Accordingly, each of the first three exercises—Mind Awake/Body Asleep, Creative Imagination, Flying Solo—is 90 minutes in length. With the expanded capacity of DVD, Exercise Four—Programming Your Dream State—is designed for a full eight-hour sleep period to support your lucid dreaming practice.
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