Download a Revolutionary New Operating System for Your Mind
that Illuminates the Full Spectrum of Your Higher Potentials,
and Awakens the Greatest Possible Version of You
Experience a Life Changing 10 Week Interactive Online Training With the Renowned Author, Teacher and Philosopher Ken Wilber (PLUS a World Class Roster of Guest Faculty) to Install the World’s Most Advanced Human Operating System and Activate Your Unique Genius…
What You’ll Learn in this 10 Module Self-Paced Interactive Training:
In this 10-module self-paced interactive online training, Ken will guide you through the fundamental installations and applications of the Superhuman OS that you’ll need to illuminate the full spectrum of your potential and cultivate the greatest possible version of yourself.
Each training session will build upon the next, so that you will develop a complete understanding of the tools, information, and practices that you’ll need to begin to express your true greatness in daily life.
Loading Module
In this opening session Ken introduces some important concepts that will lay the foundation for the Superhuman OS framework and prepare you for the in-depth training modules that will begin in the next week with Installation 1: Accelerating Your Evolution.
In this session Ken speaks about what Superhuman potential means, how to cultivate our true greatness, and what neuroplasticity means for your own developmental evolution.
The 5 Core Superhuman OS Installations
Installation 1: Accelerating Your Evolution
In this session you’ll discover the scientifically validated process of growth and development that all humans evolve through.
When you fully install this simple yet powerful mental model you will have the ability to understand world events as well as personal life events and your relationships in a powerful new way. You’ll improve your ability to understand the worldview others, how it contrasts with your own, as well as large scale developmental paradigms that influence our collective reality. The world will start making much more sense.
Installation 2: Activating Your Full Spestrum Potential
In this training you’ll explore the second essential framework of the Superhuman OS for understanding your “multiple intelligences” and how they evolve through the 8 levels of development.
As you’ll discover in this installation, all human beings have many different “lines” of potential inherent in them, laying dormant, waiting to be cultivated. When you begin to understand the primary lines of intelligence that are already within you, you can begin to consciously cultivate the ones that are most important to you.
Installation 3: Accessing Your Multidimensional States Of Being
In this third Installation of the Superhuman Operating System, Ken introduces us to the five essential states in the spectrum of consciousness.
Beginning with shedding light on the familiar waking state and progressing through ever more subtle experiences of consciousness, Ken takes the listener on a journey to explore some of the most profound potential experiences a human being can have, including a pointing out of the non-dual state.
Installation 4: Actualizing The Innate Power of Your Typology
In the 4th Installation of the Superhuman Operating System, Ken introduces us to Types and Drives. Here, we delve into how to identify and maximize the potentials of our inherent nature as well as the more complex aspects of who we are, such as our predilections and natural abilities.
Ken also introduces us to some of the essential “drives” shared by all humans and indeed all of life. Understanding how to identify and work with our unique typologies and drives is crucial to fine tuning our development and maximizing the results of the Superhuman OS.
Installation 5: Awakenning Your 4-D Vision
In this fifth installation of the Superhuman OS, Ken describes the four distinct dimensions that make up all of our experience.
By understanding these four dimensions, which are distinct domains of truth, we can clearly see how they impact and influence our daily life.
When we are able to consciously integrate all four dimensions into our awareness, we perceive ourselves and our world in a truly holistic way, and are able to rise above the blind spots and biases that keep us from reaching our full potential.
The 3 Foundational Superhumans OS Applications
Application 1 : Cultivating Your Superhuman Body
In this module Ken illuminates the framework for understanding and cultivating three primary bodies that every human being has within them.
Our bodies are our energetic vehicles in this life. They are our anchors in the world and our responsibility from birth to death and beyond. Each body supports a different state of being and consciousness.
Taking care of ourselves in large part means taking care of our body and in this first Application module, Ken takes us through all three primary aspects of our body: the gross, the causal and the subtle, and offers his insight and personal advice on how to care for and continually develop ourselves in our physical form.
Application 2 : Shadow Vision
This week Ken sheds new light on one of the most important and misunderstood aspects of personal and spiritual development, known as ‘Shadow’.
Hidden deep beneath our conscious personality are layers of repressed energy — energy that can inhibit our development by causing us to avoid aspects of our experience or by encouraging damaging addictions.
This trapped life energy is called Shadow, and in this powerful Application 2, Ken brings to the surface how Shadow is formed, the effects it can have, how we can identify our own Shadow and what we can do to reveal our own trapped energies and transform them in the light of our Superhuman potential.
Application 3: Activating Your Inner Tech
In Application 3 Ken illuminates some of the most important and foundational practices of personal and spiritual development: meditation and inner technologies.
The culmination of the Superhuman OS program is in its implementation. In this penultimate module, Ken introduces “Inner Tech” — the practices, methods and strategies that will help you combine all the different facets of the Superhuman OS into a singularly powerful path of personal and collective transformation.
The Superhuman OS Grande Finale
Reboot Module: Unleashing the Greatest Version of You
This very special 2-Hour finale for the Superhuman Operating System concludes in a truly unique, powerful and ceremonious way, enabling you to be fully grounded in your new Superhuman capacities and setting the stage for how you can live an extraordinary life.
In this epic final training of the Superhuman OS Ken will take you on a far reaching journey into and beyond everything that you’ve learned and experienced over the past 10 weeks.
In addition to Ken Wilber’s comprehensive 10-week Superhuman OS training program you’ll also receive 10 additional training sessions with many of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus teachings sessions are being offered to further complement skills and abilities that you’ll develop in the course and will help you cultivate your potentials to even higher levels.
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