Stop The Press!
The World’s One And Only 10-Step Attraction Roadmap Revealed For The First Time, Ever
Released Only To Derek’s Clients & Friends: Please Do Not Share With Outsiders
Last year, I released only limited number of copies of SeductionOnSteroids as a test to a select group of 100 members of my elite coaching program, After 14 days of putting the system to work, the results are in…
Imagine the possibilities for you if you got similar results? What would having “Jedi-like powers” and having “women fall from the sky” do to your dating life?…
Follow This Battle-Tested Blueprint And You’ll Get A Woman To Be Attracted To You Like Clockwork
Read this email from a WOMAN who have been seduced using Fractionation (a technique I teach in my programs)…
Pay close attention as this may well change your dating life forever.
There’s zero hype or bullcrap here. You won’t find any slick “sales talk” that promises the world and doesn’t deliver.
In fact, my clients know that I over-deliver big time with every offer I send out.
And… I don’t want to bully you into buying something that you don’t want. Read this article, and then decide if this is for you, or not.
It’s really that simple.
What you see here is what you get. I tell it the way it is, and I don’t like sugarcoating anything.
I do have to tell you a few things upfront though…
- SeductionOnSteroids is unique: There is no other attraction system in the world which is laid out in a step-by-step roadmap, period.
- This is exclusive only to my readers and clients only: you won’t find this product being pimped by other “dating gurus” elsewhere. This is the ONLY place where you can get your hands on SeductionOnSteroids, period. I’m rather selfish with this knowledge and like to keep things between my friends and clients.
When you follow this system, it’s almost guaranteed that…
Success With Women Suddenly Become Strangely Easy To Achieve
The two big questions that you probably have at this point are:
- Has SeductionOnSteroids worked for other guys?
- More importantly, will SeductionOnSteroids work for me?
The honest truth is that when we first beta tested the program, only 100 people have been exposed to what’s inside SeductionOnSteroids. But even though only 100 have got access to the system, some have achieved pretty awesome results already for themselves:
- Approached 29 women at the mall; gotten 11 numbers, and 3 dates for the weekend
- Escaped the dreaded “friend zone” and finally got her to be his lover… they are now virtually inseparable everywhere they go
- Got an ex to call him back after a super nasty breakup… after seeing him arm-in-arm with a beautiful woman at their favorite restaurant
- Met a hot girl on Facebook, messaged her and gotten her number. Texted her and gotten date lined up… all in 25 minutes flat
- Seduced his sexy, mini-skirted co-worker and made out in the boardroom!
I asked one of the guys who have had success, James from LA, to share his awesome story…
Rock on, James!
I was interested in a girl I had been pursuing with no luck, and when Derek asked me if I’d like to test out SeductionOnSteroids, I jumped at the opportunity. I also contacted him for advice because of how things went. Last time I emailed him I gave him an update that we had started dating and such… (and) which techniques in the system worked well for me.
Well the good news is that in two months we will be getting married. We only started dating in January and will be getting married this August. But after all the pursuing I’m 110% sure she is the right one.
So Derek has helped get me my lady. Thanks, Derek!
Los Angeles
Another cool thing about the strategies in SeductionOnSteroids is that they are “evergreen”… which means that they will always work as long as humans (and not robots or aliens) live on planet Earth.
In short, these techniques work forever… simply because a woman’s psyche is hard-wired to respond to this stuff. As someone clever once observed, “attraction is not a choice.”
So Here’s The Point: I Know Seduction Inside Out
I’m what known as a “mad seduction scientist”, always testing, tweaking and perfecting seduction strategies every single waking hour of my life. This is my life calling, and I am fully immersed in my art.
But more importantly, as a coach for more than 10 years now, I’m good at teaching this stuff to others… so that they benefit by achieving amazing results quickly for themselves.
So here’s the promise I am making you… the strategies I’m teaching inside SeductionOnSteroids work like magic if you follow them exactly as I tell you.
These tactics already worked for other guys… many of them are just like you.
Needless to say, what these guys have achieved do not automatically guarantee that you’ll get the same results.
I know won’t make any friends by saying this… but I am going to say it anyway. The truth is that anyone who can guarantee you success from any program is bullshitting you. Why? Because we are all different people in different circumstances.
(However, what I can tell you is this… your decision to invest in SeductionOnSteroids is completely risk-free… I won’t hold your money hostage. So don’t worry. More on this later.)
What is SeductionOnSteroids?
Here are the nuts and bolts of the system – what you’ll get when you invest in SeductionOnSteroids:
- The world’s first Attraction Roadmap, complete with a take-it-by-the-hand system for attracting a woman (or multiple women) from A to Z
- An evergreen system that works forever… and not some pathetic, one-trick-pony that lasts for 5 minutes before going down in flames
- It’s designed to benefit you for the long term… meaning that it’ll turn you into an attractive man quickly, and for the rest of your life. Once you learned these skills and apply them, you’ll be set for life
- It works for you whether you want to date multiple women… or just want to get that special someone in your life
- It will work for almost everyone… even if you are totally new to dating
A Powerful Combo Of Deadly Seduction Techniques… Laid Out In An Easy-To-Follow 10-Step Roadmap
SeductionOnSteroids is about combining the best techniques across different seduction “schools” (psychology, inner game, direct and indirect game, routines, hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming) in a unique way.
The core of the program is the 10-Stage Attraction Roadmap, outlining the entire “seduction battlefield” from end to end:
- Stage 1: Prepare. The easy method of getting ready before you make that first “enlightened” contact with a woman.
- Stage 2: Assess. Also known as “calibrate”, this is one of the most overlooked step of effective seduction.
- Stage 3: Approach. This is where you make first contact. It covers: how to (and how not to) walk in, which target to pick and why, what words and phrases to open with.
- Stage 4: Attract. Immediately after the ‘Approach,’ you’ll need to start creating the initial sparks of attraction so that she will be drawn toward you.
- Stage 5: Qualify. The “secret sauce” of SeductionOnSteroids – which what makes the system superior than 99% of all other methods out there.
- Stage 6: Connect. This is the crucial stage where you will want to avoid coming across as a “friend”.
- Stage 7: Arouse. Once you have created connection, then you will need to create sexual arousal in her – both physically and emotionally.
- Stage 8: Disarm. Just because she’s aroused it doesn’t mean she will sleep with you! Discover the killer tactics to disarm her and eliminate her barriers to sex.
- Stage 9: Sex. How to transition smoothly into the bedroom.
- Stage 10: Close. The essential stage where most guys overlook – especially if you want to see her again. A must-know.
In short, we will provide you with all the techniques and tools for each of the stages, giving you a clear “attack plan” which you can use to attract any woman you meet, anywhere.
Is SeductionOnSteroids For You?
The honest truth is that SeductionOnSteroids is not for everyone.
What this means is that it may not be for you (see, I’m not here to push you into buying something which you don’t think you’ll find useful)…
SeductionOnSteroids requires practice… and putting the techniques into work in the field. There’s absolutely no way around this.
If you think that you just need to read the manuals and listen to the audio program and immediately be a hit with women… then you’d be mistaken.
This is NOT a magic bullet – don’t buy it if you want “overnight success”.
You see, I’m trying my best to be as transparent to you as I possibly can. I’ve explained what the system is, and what it will do for you if you follow exactly what’s outlined in the system.
I’ve also tried to cover all questions that people might ask. But if you still are unsure if it’s suitable for you, then check out the FAQ section at the end of the letter.
So how much is SeductionOnSteroids?
I’m not gonna sugarcoat this. At $66.95, it’s not exactly cheap.
It seems to be a trend nowadays to launch a “guru” product at $1,997, complete with weekly coaching calls and webinars spread over 4-8 weeks.
You might be wondering why SeductionOnSteroids seems underpriced compared to these coaching type products. The reason is that the whole package is an immediate download of PDF manuals and MP3 audio files (delivered via our proprietary DerekRakeHQ platform)… and I don’t have to be at my office to do “coaching calls”.
There won’t be live webinars. There’s no need for that.
Also, this course focuses on “what to do” – and there’s no “introduction to dating” stuff and other filler-type garbage which adds unnecessary bulk to the product.
So here’s the bottom line…
You’ll get a best-of-breed product that I’ve put hours of my time into… for $66.95 – not $1,997.
One hour of my time is worth at least $1,000 (just ask my DerekRakeHQ private coaching clients), and you’re in fact getting hours of my time for pennies on the dollar.
SeductionOnSteroids is designed to be lightweight. There’s no added “bulk” to fatten it up so that I can charge you more.
The amount of information that you get is “just enough” for you to go take action… so that you avoid the feeling of overwhelm that you might have gotten from all the other products that you own.
And don’t forget – this product requires you to take action to succeed.
You’ll now have to take the next step – it’s time to order:-
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