Supercharge your success with women now!
Wouldn’t it be great if the world’s top daygamer was to record his in-fields while in peak form, hitting on ten hot young girls in Croatia? These would be real interactions, a few of which resulted in lewd sexual acts a day or two later!
Nick Krauser has just released the ultimate daygame product. This is the most advanced material out there.
Adventure Sex
A feature-packed two-hour theoretical presentation explaining why the way you are trying to daygame girls is ineffective. The top daygamers – the men who are slaying it – are doing it differently. Now Nick lets you in on the insider “secret society” techniques.
He tells you everything you need to make the leap from “nice guy daygamer who barely gets laid” to “bad boy daygamer that kills it”. The system has been simplified so that it’s easy to learn, and there are just a few principles you need to keep in mind while talking to girls.
- Women’s dual sexual strategy – how they classify men as either Nice Guy or Bad Boy.
- What really turns women on when they meet a man in the daytime.
- How to maximise your charisma so girl’s will fuck you just to be close to it.
This is the absolute cutting edge of daygame. This is how you can fill your life with beautiful women even if you are just a normal average-looking guy.
And that’s not all!
The Street Seducer
It’s one thing to be told how to pick up women…. and it’s another thing entirely to be shown – live infield. Nick isn’t one of these big-mouthed/little-trousered PUAs who talk in a seminar, collect the ticket money, and then goes home.
Nick puts his money where his mouth is and shows how to do it. On the street. In real live interactions with the hot young women he sleeps with.
So that’s why you’ll love The Street Seducer. Nick spent three days chatting up the beautiful women of Zagreb, Croatia while the video camera was running. Then he selected the most useful ten videos and presents them to you now.
This shows you what real seduction looks like. Of the ten women, he slept with one, got a blowjob off another, a handjob off a third, and kissed a few more on dates. These were successful daygame interactions – Not the worthless number-collection most PUAs spam onto YouTube.
These videos are captioned so you can pick out every word. Each one receives a full explanation for you to squeeze every last drop of knowledge from them. So, get ready for ten videos of top-level daygame that show you:
- Detailed moment-by-moment descriptions of exactly what’s happening and why.
- How to spot the subtle signals when a girl likes you but doesn’t want to make it obvious.
- Clearly see how the interaction passes through all of the relevant stages until she’s ready to give her phone number.
- Examples of when the girl isn’t interested and how to avoid wasting your time so you can move on to the girls who do like you.
It’s hard to convey just how ground-breaking this product is. Never before has a video series been released by a man who not only can walk the walk with hot young women, but has the intellect and patience to explain it clearly so the average guy can follow in his footsteps.
This is 335 minutes of pure gold.
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