Derek Rake Presents… Now, YOU Can Get His Word-For-Word Text Script, Plus My Sneaky Tactics & “Power Rules” For TEXT Seduction… And Turn Your Phone Into Your Most Lethal Seduction Weapon… So You Too Can Easily Seduce & Bed Hot, Sexy Women |
Published Author & Life Coach
Dear friend, YES it absolutely does work . . . you can seduce and bed women using text messages quicker and easier than talking to them face to face (once you know the “secret formula” and the word-for-word sample transcripts.) Here’s how an extremely shy, trembling geek made it work for him…and got the woman of his dreams into bed – just a few days after meeting her… Aside from using some very slick persuasion and seduction tricks (to get her dripping wet, and ready to attack him,) Joe discovered that he was able to… … go a lot further with women using text messages (or emails) than he could with a live, real-time conversation – and do it all a lot quicker. … have the time to think…about what to say, and how to phrase it just right to get just the psychological responses and results (something you can’t do during an actual conversation)…and… … say a lot more, and get the point across, before getting interrupted, distracted or even ignored. … and of course, there’s all the slick persuasion and seduction tricks he was able to layer into his messages, to get her juiced and ready for action…
Okay… in the interest of full disclosure, let me state that Joe didn’t just use Text messages to bed this new girl. He used a combination of text messages and emails.
Regardless, most of the heavy-lifting was done via text messages. And, believe it or not, he never even spoke to this girl on the phone – ever – until the night he was driving to her place and had to call her for help because he couldn’t find her house. (I shouldn’t even be telling you this part because it makes Joe’s story less believable. But I am telling you because this is actually how it happened.) I kid you not, this is absolutely true. (He found the girl on Craigslist and used nothing but email and text messages to turn her on so much that she had to invite him to her house, ready to sleep with him.) Now…I’m not suggesting that you should be like Joe and use Text and email exclusively (he had no choice in the matter!) but, apparently, you can do so successfully – if you choose to. Joe is proof of that. In fact, if he can do it, anyone else should be able to do it even better! And, in this unique package, I’m going to share Joe’s entire strategy from start to finish. Plus, I will add in my own tips and tricks to help you get the fastest results in the shortest amount of time possible. (As shy and as inexperienced as Joe is, he was able to go from “first contact” to the bedroom in less than a week.) By the way, Joe isn’t the only one who has used this method successfully. Many other guys have since used this “text seduction” strategy to seduce and bed women they’ve been attracted to. It has been tried, tested, and tweaked to work very well – for anyone willing to use it. And, now, you can have all of our hard work…all the tips and tricks…without having to waste time or energy on making any of the mistakes… |
The Entire Strategy Exposed… You will get to see Joe’s entire blow-by-blow strategy, laid out before you in his word-for-word email and text message transcript. You also get my personal “Derek Rake’s Ten Power Rules for Text Seduction” report as well as my other sneaky seduction tips and tricks. And, I will even dissect Joe’s entire transcript – to explain exactly what he did, including the mistakes he made, and even how he could have improved his seduction. Plus, I’ll throw in even more tips and tricks during my dissection of Joe’s transcripts. You get it all – everything handed to you, so you can learn from it all, and start using all the tips and tricks to seduce women for your own pleasure and enjoyment…using text messages! |
All of the above is revealed inside the pages of my new package, TextingOnSteroids®.
And, you are just minutes away from discovering all the secrets that can turn your phone and text messages into your most lethal seduction weapon. Imagine how much quicker and easier it would become for you to get women to date, hang out with, and even sleep with… And as you imagine all the ways your life can become better right now by having this powerful information in your hands, why not grab your copy of this powerful seduction package… and use it to dramatically “upgrade” your sex life.
I’ll Take All The Risk So YOU Don’t Have To Here’s the deal… You either love TextingOnSteroids®… or you don’t pay a penny for it. I’ll take all the risk. Get your copy of this hot report right now and go through it. Try out all the techniques and ideas with real women. And… If, for any reason (or for no reason at all), you decide this book doesn’t meet your exact needs, simply let me know within the next 60 days and you’ll get a complete refund of your purchase price. There will be no questions asked, and no hassles. You see, I believe that giving you the chance to personally experience what this astonishing report offers is simply the best way to “prove to you” what you may be missing out on. I have yet to meet the man who can resist having the power to seduce women with his mind. |
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